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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoFIRST AND FIRST FIGHT 1945 58cat. no.Estimate € 
2798Vorschaubild12.4.54, Berlin Djakarta on aerogram! (without messages), superb, R!2472A 45,00Bid
2799Vorschaubild2.1.55, "Frankfurt Salisburg", franked with Federal Republic of Germany no. 201-03! Superb cover2499 40,00Bid
2800Vorschaubild29.10.57, Berlin Tokyo, 1. Direct flight over the North Pole, superb cover  35,00Bid
2801Vorschaubild16.5.1955, "London Munich", reverse two-line cancel "on order of the Regional Directorate of Posts Munich no arrival postmark affixed", superb cover, Haberer DM 400.-29 45,00Bid
2802Vorschaubild16.5.1955, London Munich, without arrival postmark, superb cover, Haberer DM 400.-29 35,00Bid
2803Vorschaubild1955, 24 various flights, almost only superb condition, Haberer DM 1745.-aus 5-52 150,00Bid
LotPhotoEASTERN ISLANDScat. no.Estimate € 
2804Vorschaubild1912, 20 C. On 15 C. With overprint the different name of islands, all 13 values complete, very fine / superb, Michel 239.-10I-XIII *55,00Bid
2805Vorschaubild1929, "RODI", rest of hinge, very fine set17-25 *90,00Bid
LotPhotoALBANIAcat. no.Estimate € 
2806Vorschaubild1914, 5 Q. Blue-green / green, golden cancel SHKODER, superb30 50,00Bid
2807Vorschaubild1914, Skanderbeg with blue cancel DURRES on registered cover to Hanover, superb41-46 20,00Bid
2808Vorschaubild1963, 8 various souvenir sheets "olympic Spiele\": souvenir sheet 19 A / B, souvenir sheet 20 / 1, souvenir sheet 22 / 3, souvenir sheet 26 A / B, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 211.-Bl. **40,00Bid
2809Vorschaubild2010 / 1, complete with year book of the postal service, mint never hinged, superb3326-65 **no limitBid
LotPhotoANDORRA FRENCH POSTcat. no.Estimate € 
2810Vorschaubild1957, 500 Fr. Airmail stamps, superb, Michel 90.-160 25,00Bid
LotPhotoBELGIUMcat. no.Estimate € 
2811Vorschaubild1865, 40 C. Rose, perforated D, rest of hinges, manufactured creasely gum, superb, Michel 900.-17D *180,00Bid
2812Vorschaubild1893, 2 Fr. Lilac on dull rose in the mint never hinged block of four from the margin, superb in every respect (choice copy), R!59   **350,00Bid
2813Vorschaubild1915, 5 Franc, perforated A, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 400.-127A *120,00Bid
2814Vorschaubild1924, 5 Fr. International stamp exhibition in the miniature sheet (4), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 420.-186KB **150,00Bid
2815Vorschaubild1926, 75 C. - 10 Fr. King Albert I, mint never hinged, 7 superb items, Michel 350.-211-17 **100,00Bid
2816Vorschaubild1930, independence and administrative council, mint never hinged, 2 superb sets, Michel 82.-284-86,288-90 **25,00Bid
2817Vorschaubild1930, souvenir sheet philatelic exhibition, mint never hinged, very fine (defects in the lower margin), Michel 750.-Bl. 1 **150,00Bid
2818Vorschaubild1931, 5 and 10 Fr. King Albert I with peaked cap, mint never hinged, 2 superb items, Michel 290.-312/3 **90,00Bid
2819Vorschaubild1931, souvenir sheet war invalids, as usual margins, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 600.-Bl. 2 **170,00Bid
2820Vorschaubild1931, tuberculosis, rest of hinges, very fine set315-21 *25,00Bid
2821Vorschaubild1932, infantry in block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1600.-342/3   **480,00Bid
2822Vorschaubild1932, "infantry", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 400.-342/3 **120,00Bid
2823Vorschaubild1932, "tuberculosis", rest of hinge, very fine set347-53 *35,00Bid
2824Vorschaubild1933, tuberculosis in corner margin blocks of four, very fine set mint never hinged, R! Michel 3200.-366-72   **1.000,00Bid
2825Vorschaubild1933, "tuberculosis", very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 800.-366-72 **240,00Bid
2826Vorschaubild1933, 5 Fr. Tuberculosis, rest of hinges, superb372 *40,00Bid
2827Vorschaubild1934, tuberculosis, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 420.-386-92 **120,00Bid
2828Vorschaubild1935, 3 mint never hinged superb sets, Michel 75.-396-404 **20,00Bid
2829Vorschaubild1935, souvenir sheet SITEB, first day postmark in the margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 400.-Bl. 3 **120,00Bid
2830Vorschaubild1936, souvenir sheet philatelic exhibition, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 200.-Bl. 4 **65,00Bid
2831Vorschaubild1936 / 7, tuberculosis and Day of the Postage Stamp, always on First Day Cover, 2 registered covers to Switzerland, superb434-42 20,00Bid
2832Vorschaubild1938, 2.50 Fr. On 2.45 Fr. King Leopold III in the upper right corner margin block of four, superb, Michel (120.-)479   **40,00Bid
2833Vorschaubild18.5.1947, COMMEMORATIVE FLIGHT, BRUSSELS-NEW York, 3 various airmail documents, superb, Müller 285781-89I,II 35,00Bid
2834Vorschaubild20.10.37, special airmail card, follower from Luxembourg for group flight from 3 Mission airplanes from Brussels-Belgian-Congo, traces of use otherwise superb, scarce 3 country franking, Mueller 221937 40,00Bid
2835Vorschaubild1953, wedding in blocks of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 160.-961-66   **50,00Bid
2836Vorschaubild1953, 2 Fr. "Red Cross" in the stamp booklet, upper booklet sheet text in French, superb, Michel 80.-MH I **25,00Bid
2837Vorschaubild1953, 1953, touristic development and tuberculosis, 2 mint never hinged superb sets, Michel 120.-967-72,979-86 **35,00Bid
2838Vorschaubild1953, "office the European youth" on First Day Cover, superb, Michel 100.-976-78 30,00Bid
2839Vorschaubild1958, King Baudouin, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 180.-1126-34x **55,00Bid
LotPhotoBELGIUM COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2840VorschaubildUnused part of a collection Belgium from 1920-42 with many good values, sets and souvenir sheets, also official stamps, superb collection, Michel for ** 5100.- *450,00Bid
2841VorschaubildCollection Belgium to 1988, the first years hardly be present, the years 1961-1988 apparently mint never hinged complete in superb condition**,*,  190,00Bid
LotPhotoBULGARIAcat. no.Estimate € 
2842Vorschaubild1881, 25 St. Black / lilac, superb, Michel 100.-10 20,00Bid
2843Vorschaubild1885, 5 on 30 St. Dark blue / yellow brown engraved printing overprint, superb, Michel 100.-22II 30,00Bid
2844Vorschaubild8.11.27, first flight SOFIA-VARNA, superb, Müller 7204,206,208 20,00Bid
2845Vorschaubild1931, 2. Balkan Peninsula game, only margin pieces, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 320.-242-48 **100,00Bid
2846Vorschaubild1932, airmail exhibition, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 250.-249-51 **80,00Bid
2847Vorschaubild1933, "4. Balkan Peninsula game", rest of hinge, superb252-58 *180,00Bid
2848Vorschaubild1991, domestic animals in the sheet set (100) with centered postmarks, 2 x folded, superb, Michel 300.-3881-85 no limitBid
2849Vorschaubild1992, insects in the sheet set (100) with centered postmarks, 2 x folded, superb, Michel 250.-4016/7 no limitBid
2850VorschaubildPostage due stamps: 1884, 5 St. Orange, perforated A, rest of hinges, superb, Michel 800.-P 1A *190,00Bid
2851Vorschaubild1913, army postal service picture postcard of a soldiers the Bulgarian occupation army from Adrianople to Turkey, only with military cancel, superb 120,00Bid
2852Vorschaubild1913, fieldpost letter from Dede Agatsch with blue military cancel, superb 45,00Bid
2853VorschaubildCompulsory surtax stamps: 1925, sanatoria the post office clerk, 7 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 95.-Z 1-7 **30,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
2854Vorschaubild1852, 2 RBS Ferslew, plate I, type 9, field 43, large margins all around on small choice copy letter, photo expertize Københavns philatelist club2I 1.800,00Bid
2855Vorschaubild1865, 4 S. Red, perforated K 13: 12 ½, duplex postmark 188 (DPSK. P. EXP. No. 5) on small letter, very fine (small defects), photo expertize C. A. Møller13Aa 70,00Bid
2856Vorschaubild1875, 3 Ø dull ultramarin / grey, normal frame, watermark 1 Y, perforated K 14: 13 ½, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 140.-22IYAa *45,00Bid
2857Vorschaubild1875, 25 Ø, normal frame, watermark 1 Y, perforated K 14: 13 ½, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 70.-29IYA *20,00Bid
2858Vorschaubild1905, 50 Ø dark lilac and 100 Ø yellow brown, 2 superb items, Michel 80.-51/2 20,00Bid
2859Vorschaubild1921, 10 Ø Red Cross on 7 + 3 Ø postal stationery cover and 5 further values on decorative registered cover to Germany, superb116 50,00Bid
2860Vorschaubild1929, 50 Ø and 1 Kr. "airmail", rest of hinge, superb180/1 *50,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK OFFICIAL STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
2861Vorschaubild 120,00Bid
2862Vorschaubild1871, 2 S. Ultramarine, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 220.-D1 *65,00Bid
2863Vorschaubild1881, 32 Ø yellow green, (Facit catalogue TJ 9 b), superb, Facit catalogue 550.- skr.D 7 20,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK POSTFERRY STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
2864Vorschaubild1919, 1 Kr. Pale brown, rest of hinge, superbPf 4 *50,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2865Vorschaubild1875-1934, lot different cancelled values, very fine / superb, Michel approximate 650.- 110,00Bid
2866VorschaubildSmall unused lot different values official stamps, postage due stamps and postal-ferry, very fine / superb Michel approximate 970.-**,*100,00Bid
2867Vorschaubild1972-91, almost completely on sides, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 628.- **140,00Bid

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