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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE WEST SAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
2089Vorschaubild1946, 84 Pf. Blackish yellow emerald-green, perforated, watermark 1 X, in the sheet (50), mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schulz, Michel 650.-165AXb **120,00Bid
2090Vorschaubild1956, souvenir sheet "Leipzig fairground", watermark 1 X, type II, special cancel, superb, expertized Stroeh, Michel 350.-Bl. 5Xa 120,00Bid
2091Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet pair Leipzig fairground, both watermark, special cancel, superb, Michel 700.-Bl. 5X/Ya 210,00Bid
2092Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet "Leipzig fairground", watermark 1 Y, special cancel, superb, Michel 350.-Bl. 5Ya 110,00Bid
2093Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet Leipzig fairground, watermark steps steep increasingly, type V, mint never hinged, slight corner compressions and some strength manufactured calender creases otherwise superb, photo expertize Dr. Jasch, Michel 850.-Bl. 5YZa **210,00Bid
2094VorschaubildInteresting letter collection from 135 different documents, as well good middle frankings, better cancel and many mixed frankings with others zones issues, treasure trove! Inspect! 470,00Bid
2095Vorschaubild"14 Dresden" on 15 Pf. Sienna in the vertical pair, superb, expertized Dr. Böheim171II    30,00Bid
2096Vorschaubild1948, 6 Pf. Dark violet, double overprint, superb, expertized Paul, Michel 70.-183aDDI 25,00Bid
2097Vorschaubild1948, 12 Pf. Dark gray turquoise and 14 Pf. Brown orange, with inverted overprints, mint never hinged, 2 superb items, Michel 100.-186K,190K **25,00Bid
2098Vorschaubild1948, 60 Pf. Carmine in the block of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Paul, Michel 320.-195a  **75,00Bid
2099Vorschaubild1948, 60 Pf. Carmine, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Paul, Michel 80.-195a **15,00Bid
2100Vorschaubild1948, 12 Pf. Medium carmine red, overprint once normal and additional blind printing, left upper corner margin piece, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Paul, Michel (100.-)204wazDDII **35,00Bid
2101Vorschaubild1948, 30 Pf. Blackish brown olive in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, abridged certificate Dr. Ruscher, Michel (560.-)206bwaz   **150,00Bid
2102Vorschaubild1948, 45 Pf. Bright red with HAN 4009.46 2, mint never hinged, superb209HAN **65,00Bid
2103Vorschaubild1948, 84 Pf. Dark opal green, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Paul, Michel 70.-211b **20,00Bid
2104Vorschaubild1948, personalities in upper corner margin blocks of four (16 and 80 Pf. Only from side margin), 40 Pf. Signed Paul as 223 crossed, superb212-27  **140,00Bid
2105Vorschaubild1948, 6 Pf blackish violet Captain, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Dr. Ruscher, Michel 60.-213b **15,00Bid
2106Vorschaubild1948, 10 Pf. Dark bluish green Bebel, vertical bark gum, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 100.-215ay **30,00Bid
2107Vorschaubild1948, 16 Pf. Prussian-blue Virchow, vertical bark gum, mint never hinged, lease, Michel 100.-218ay **20,00Bid
2108Vorschaubild1948, 40 Pf. Dark lilac purpur Captain, upper margin copy, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Dr. Ruscher, Michel (60.-)223a **15,00Bid
2109Vorschaubild1948, 40 Pf. Dark carmine purple Captain, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Dr. Ruscher, Michel 140.-223d **40,00Bid
2110Vorschaubild1949, 24 Pf. 3. People congress, overprint type I, with printers mark in the block of four from the left lower corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (70.-)233IDZ **20,00Bid
2111Vorschaubild1949, 24 Pf. "3. People congress", overprint type II, with print shop imprint "M 301 / Z 4742" in the block of four from of the right lower corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (90.-)233IIDV2 **30,00Bid
2112Vorschaubild1949, Göthe, on face rest of hinges in the margin, stamps mint never hinged, very fine set, Michel 130.-234-38DV **no limitBid
2113Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet "Goethe", 5 x, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1100.-Bl. 6 **210,00Bid
2114Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet Göthe, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 220.-Bl. 6 **55,00Bid
2115Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet "Goethe", rest of hinge in the upper margin, stamp mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-Bl. 6 *40,00Bid
2116Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet Göthe, special cancel WEIMAR, superb, Michel 300.-Bl. 6 85,00Bid
2117Vorschaubild1949, 50 Pf. Göthe, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-239 **40,00Bid
LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2118Vorschaubild1948 / 9, 11 mostly different documents, mostly superb228-38 25,00Bid
2119VorschaubildSmall mint collection Soviet Zone on Schaubek pages with some middle issues, superb condition *90,00Bid
2120VorschaubildRich collection Soviet areas occupied by the enemy with many good middle issues, superb collection, inspect, favorable!  ,*180,00Bid
LotPhotoDEMOCRATIC REPUBLICcat. no.Estimate € 
2121Vorschaubild1950, Bach and DEBRIA, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 105.-256-60 **25,00Bid
2122Vorschaubild1950, "academy of sciences", very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 150.-261-70 **35,00Bid
2123Vorschaubild1950, academy of sciences, mostly special cancel, very fine set261-70 25,00Bid
2124Vorschaubild1950, "academy of sciences", very fine set261-70 25,00Bid
2125Vorschaubild1950, souvenir sheet Debria, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 160.-Bl. 7 **35,00Bid
2126Vorschaubild1950, souvenir sheet Debria, date stamp ROSTOCK, superb, Michel 170.-Bl. 7 45,00Bid
2127Vorschaubild1950, souvenir sheet Debria on First Day Cover, superb, Michel 200.-Bl. 7 55,00Bid
2128Vorschaubild1950, souvenir sheet DEBRIA with variety slanting white line over 1 in the date, rest of hinge, superbBl. 7III *40,00Bid
2129Vorschaubild1950 / 1, 13 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 146.-273-85 **35,00Bid
2130Vorschaubild1951, spring fair and German-Polish friendship, 2 mint never hinged superb sets, Michel 72.-282-85 **15,00Bid
2131Vorschaubild1951, Chinese, rest of hinges, very fine set, Michel 100.-286-88 *25,00Bid
2132Vorschaubild1951, "Chinese", very fine set286-88 30,00Bid
2133Vorschaubild1951, world festival on official folding map, superb, Michel 55.-289-92 no limitBid
2134Vorschaubild1952 / 3, "Pieck", watermark 2, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 130.-322-26 **35,00Bid
2135Vorschaubild1952, 1 and 2 DM Pieck, watermark 2, 2 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 70.-325/6 **15,00Bid
2136Vorschaubild1953, 6 Pf. Captain, coated paper, watermark 2 XI, in the sheet (100) with printers mark 3 ! Mint never hinged, superb, R! Michel 850.-328vbXI **160,00Bid
2137Vorschaubild1953, 15 Pf. Dark brown Hegel, coated paper, watermark 2 XII, very fine, expertized Schönherr, Michel 100.-331vaXII 20,00Bid
2138Vorschaubild1953, 30 Pf. Red Engels, coated paper, watermark 2 XII, 50 x in the part sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1250.-335vaXII **140,00Bid

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