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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoMISCELLANEA FASHIONcat. no.Estimate € 
4092VorschaubildViennese fashions - dress from embroidered diffusor with wide Ganier and with orange-coloured gauze fed - in addition to it Tüll-hood with flower and Gauze strip adorned, original coloured copper engraving from Viennese magazine for art, literature, theater and fashion from 1834(20x12)no limitBid
LotPhotoMISCELLANEA PORTRAITScat. no.Estimate € 
4093VorschaubildThom. H. Benton, US senator, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(12x9)no limitBid
4094VorschaubildGeorge Canning, British politician, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(13x10)no limitBid
4095VorschaubildPierre Corneille, dramatist of the French classic, steel engraving about 1840(9x8)no limitBid
4096VorschaubildF. C. Fremont, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(11x9)no limitBid
4097VorschaubildAugust Wilhelm Iffland, German actor, civilian official in administrative service and dramatist, steel engraving about 1840(8x7)no limitBid
4098VorschaubildMirabeu, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(11x8)no limitBid
4099VorschaubildRaphäl, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(13x10)no limitBid
4100VorschaubildEugäne Sue, French writer, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(10x9)no limitBid
4101VorschaubildVan Dyck, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(10x8)no limitBid
4102VorschaubildBath fun at a lake in Switzerland, coloured wood engraving about 1880(11x17)20,00Bid
LotPhotoMISCELLANEA ANIMALScat. no.Estimate € 
4103VorschaubildThe gull (le Rytsa, petite Mouette ou Goiland blanc), coloured copper engraving by Olafsen made of atlas you voyage en Islande from 1802(19x14)40,00Bid
4104VorschaubildOn the Ziegenalm, coloured wood engraving from Stieler around 1880(18x24)no limitBid
LotPhotoMISCELLANEA COSTUMEScat. no.Estimate € 
4105VorschaubildMen from Kahls, coloured steel engraving from Mühlig about 1840(16x12)no limitBid
4106VorschaubildThuringia, costumes, original coloured lithography from Kretschmer(25x20)100,00Bid

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