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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoBERLIN COLLECTIONScat. no.Estimate € 
2367VorschaubildComplete mint never hinged collection Berlin from 1955-81 in 2 Lindner hingeless album, almost only superb condition **85,00Bid
2368VorschaubildComplete mint never hinged collection Berlin from 1956-74 on album pages (Lindner and Krueger), text from 1948 to 1989, superb condition **55,00Bid
2369VorschaubildCollection Berlin from 1948-69 in the KA-BE buses-collect album with some better issues, from 1956 complete ** and used collected, very fine / superb**,  , *440,00Bid
2370Vorschaubild1948-90, cancelled collection Berlin in the lighthouse album with mounts, except for 1 - 5 M. Black overprint and souvenir sheet 1 complete collection, almost only superb condition 470,00Bid
2371VorschaubildCancelled collection Berlin from 1948-87 in the Schaubek album with mounts, except for 2-5 M. Black overprint, 2 M. Red overprint and souvenir sheet 1 complete, condition varies, inspect! 380,00Bid
2372VorschaubildCancelled collection Berlin from 1948-90 in the KA-BE album with mounts with numerous good values, almost only superb condition, very favorable 280,00Bid
2373Vorschaubild1948-81, cancelled collection in the Lindner album with mounts with many good values, mostly superb condition, favorable! 180,00Bid
2374VorschaubildCancelled collection Berlin from 1948-80 in the safe album with mounts, except for red and black overprint, Michel number 68-70, souvenir sheet 1 and few smaller values to 1972 in the main numbers completely, very fine / superb, Michel approximate 1700.- 150,00Bid
2375VorschaubildCancelled collection Berlin from 1948-90 in the Lighthouse album with useful issues, 1965-84 in the main numbers completely, almost only superb condition 75,00Bid
2376VorschaubildCancelled collection Berlin from 1948-81 in the Schaubek album with lots of better values and sets, from 1954 in the main numbers complete, mostly superb condition 250,00Bid
2377Vorschaubild1955-90, in each case mint never hinged and used complete collection Berlin in 2 as good as new Lindner buses-collect albums, superb condition**,  280,00Bid
2378VorschaubildCollection Berlin from 1955-79 in the KA-BE binary album with mounts, from 1970 mint never hinged almost complete, in addition to it many cancelled stamps, almost only superb condition**,  75,00Bid
LotPhotoBERLIN LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2379Vorschaubild1960, 16 various First Day Cover, very fine / superb191-196 no limitBid
2380Vorschaubild1963 / 64, 34 various First Day Cover, very fine / superb231-249 no limitBid
2381Vorschaubild1964 / 5, German buildings, 20 illustrated First Day Cover, very fine / superb242-249 no limitBid
2382Vorschaubild1965-83, 39 seeming various First Day Cover with surcharge values, very fine / superbaus 250-697  no limitBid
2383Vorschaubild1986-89, important woman, 16 illustrated First Day Cover, very fine / superbaus 648-845  no limitBid
2384Vorschaubild1969-84, neat duplicate lot complete issues, mostly 4-5 x, mint never hinged, superb, Michel approximate 2900.- **280,00Bid
2385Vorschaubild1969-85, neat duplicate lot on stock pages, a little incompletely, but abundant, almost only superb, Michel more then 2100.- **180,00Bid
2386Vorschaubild1959-90, lot different postal stamps in horizontal pairs, superb condition, Michel 310.- **55,00Bid
2387Vorschaubild1948-68, cancelled lot different medium values, very fine / superb, Michel 1300.- 180,00Bid
2388Vorschaubild1966-73, neat duplicate lot, complete, mostly 8-10 x, very fine / superb, Michel approximate 1700.- 140,00Bid
2389VorschaubildCleanly arranged extensive duplicate stock book Berlin from 1949 (from Universal Postal Union) to 1982, mostly neat legitimate condition, very high catalog value! 90,00Bid
2390Vorschaubild1952-56, lot of 22 different First Day Cover, almost only superb condition, Michel 690.- 120,00Bid
2391Vorschaubild1965-69, shoe box full of 30 different First Day Cover in different quantities, Michel 1400.- 75,00Bid
2392Vorschaubild1961-90, small lot with 75 documents, very fine / superb no limitBid
2393Vorschaubild1962-91, small lot with 50 documents, very fine / superb no limitBid
2394Vorschaubild1957-63, 35 various First Day Cover, from Michel number 159-232, very fine / superb no limitBid
2395VorschaubildExtensive cancelled duplicate lot Berlin from 1948-56 with many good middle issues, mostly very fine / superb, Michel more then 13.000.-  830,00Bid
2396VorschaubildAdvertising stamps: 1957-1978, 6 various special documents, superb (*)no limitBid

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