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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE COUNTRY SAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
1986Vorschaubild1946, 12 Pf. Dark rose red, watermark 1 X, 7 x on registered cover from "OSCHERSLEBEN", superb79Xa 15,00Bid
1987Vorschaubild1945, 15 Pf. Medium lilac carmine, watermark 1 X, manufactured slight gum corrugation, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 280.-80Xa **70,00Bid
1988Vorschaubild1945, 20 Pf. Light blue, watermark 1 Y, in the sheet (100), as well the varieties: 81 YI, 81 YII and 81 YIII, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1538.-81Y **210,00Bid
1989Vorschaubild1945, 30 Pf. Brownish olive, watermark 1 X, with 12 Pf. Additional franking on properly franked registered cover from OSTERWIECK, very fine, abridged certificate Schulz, Michel 500.-83Xb 130,00Bid
1990Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark purple pink, watermark 1 X, 84 x, upper part sheet from 80 piece as well a separated block of four from lower margin, mint never hinged, superb, the block of four expertized Schulz, Michel 2520.-84Xa **280,00Bid
1991Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark purple pink, watermark 1 X, in the lower left corner margin block of four, as well plate flaw II on field 92, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schulz84Xa   **35,00Bid
1992Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark purple pink, watermark 1 X, in the lower right corner margin block of four, as well plate flaw I, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schulz84Xa   **35,00Bid
1993Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark purple pink, watermark 1 X, in the block of four from the lower margin, as well plate flaw I, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schulz84Xa   **30,00Bid
1994Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark purple pink, watermark 1 X, in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Ströh84Xa   **25,00Bid
1995Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Dark brownish purple, watermark 1 Y, with variety "image border at the bottom on the right damaged", superb, abridged certificate Schulz, Michel 200.-84YcII 70,00Bid
1996Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Green in the complete sheet (50), as well field 40 with plate flaw large colour spot under 19 from 1945, mint never hinged, superb85wa **20,00Bid
1997Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Vivid green in the block of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schulz, Michel 80.-85wb   **20,00Bid
1998Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Green, flat rising paper pattern of stripes or streaks, in the complete sheet (50), as well field 40 with plate flaw large colour spot under 19 from 1945, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (1000.-)85xa **240,00Bid
1999Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Dark rose red in the complete A sheet (50), as well field 37 with variety core by Z from country, mint never hinged, superb86wa **70,00Bid
2000Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Land reform with variety core by Z from country, in the block of nine from the left lower corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (150.-)86II **45,00Bid
2001Vorschaubild1945, "land reform", four sides perforated, superb, expertized Schulz, Michel 60.-85/6waA 15,00Bid
2002Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Dark rose red, four sides perforated, cancel PIESTERITZ, superb cover, abridged certificate Schulz86waA 40,00Bid
2003Vorschaubild1946, reconstruction, perforated, with additional franking on properly franked censored letter from CALBE to Austria, superb87-89A 55,00Bid
2004Vorschaubild1946, 6 Pf. Reconstruction, perforated, with variety S and A from Saxony at the bottom affiliated with each other, special cancel HALDENSIEBEN, superb piece of letter, Michel (150.-)87AIX 45,00Bid
2005Vorschaubild1946, reconstruction, unperforated, with additional franking on properly franked registered cover from MAGDEBURG, superb87-89B 55,00Bid
2006Vorschaubild1946, reconstruction, imperforated, with additional franking on properly franked registered cover from HALLE (SAALE) 1 with special cancel building Hall's cultural sites, superb87-89B 55,00Bid
2007Vorschaubild1946, reconstruction, unperforated, with additional franking on properly franked registered cover from HALLE (SAALE) 5, superb87-89B 55,00Bid
2008Vorschaubild1946 12 Pf. Reconstruction with plate flaw right foot of the second A in reconstruction at the bottom broken (field 5), perforated and unperforated, mint never hinged, 2 superb items88A/BIII **25,00Bid
2009Vorschaubild1946 12 Pf. "reconstruction", perforated, with plate flaw "colour line between the legs of the N in country as well colour point right over 8" (field 11), in the block of nine from the left upper corner, mint never hinged, superb, R! Michel (250.-)88AIV **85,00Bid
2010Vorschaubild1946 12 Pf. Reconstruction, unperforated, in the block of nine with plate flaw colour point in the upper stamp margin over large cloud (field 10 and field 29), mint never hinged, superb88BIX **85,00Bid
2011Vorschaubild1946, 42 Pf. Reconstruction, perforated, single franking on registered cover from ELBINGERODE, superb, Michel 200.-89A 45,00Bid
2012Vorschaubild1946, 42 Pf. Reconstruction, perforated, in the horizontal upper margin pair as multiple franking on registered cover from HALLE with special cancel to the construction HALL-KULTURSTä TTEN, superb, expertized Zierer89A     35,00Bid
2013Vorschaubild1946, "land reform on cigarette paper", large mint never hinged sheet collection of more than 200 complete sheet in watermark 2 W and 2 X as well 9 sheet in watermark 2 Y and 2 Z! Interesting lot for the specialist!90/1 **1.400,00Bid
2014Vorschaubild1946, land reform on cigarette paper with inverted watermark in the sheet set (50), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1000.-90/1Y **190,00Bid
LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE THURINGIAcat. no.Estimate € 
2015VorschaubildExtensive lot with more then 700 values, mostly to colours and documents presorted in a box, some also expertized, among others Michel number 98 AXp2 on piece with photo certificate, treasure trove for the specialist!**,  ,*530,00Bid

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