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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoFEDERAL REPUBLIC GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
2574Vorschaubild1979, 60 Pf. Day of the Postage Stamp, in the miniature sheet on First Day Cover, superb1023 KB no limitBid
2575Vorschaubild1980, 60 Pf. FIP, in the miniature sheet on First Day Cover, superb1065 KB no limitBid
2576Vorschaubild1982, 60 Pf. Europe: folklore, printed on the gummed side (on face not fluorescing), upper margin copy, mint never hinged, superb, photo expertize H. D. Schlegel1097G **440,00Bid
2577Vorschaubild1982, castle and palaces in block of four, margin copies (4 x left lower corner of the sheet), mint never hinged, superb, Michel (56.-)1139-43  **no limitBid
2578Vorschaubild1985, "MOPHILA" in the se-tenant sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 180.-1255/6KB **35,00Bid
2579Vorschaubild1987-90, places of interest in block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 144.-a. 1339-1448   **35,00Bid
2580Vorschaubild1987 / 8, places of interest (1339-42, 74 / 5, 79-81) in block of four, corner margin copies, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (67.-)  **no limitBid
2581Vorschaubild1989-94, 14 various mint never hinged miniature sheet (Michel number 1433, 1498, 1755 / 6, 1762-71), superb, Michel 249.-KB **20,00Bid
2582Vorschaubild1994, 5 Pf. "Loewenstandbild", dull gum, 2 complete sheet (100) with plate number "1" and "2", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 2500.-1448v **90,00Bid
2583Vorschaubild1991, 60 Pf. Dragonflies in the se-tenant sheet (40), as well variety 1546 I, mint never hinged, superb1546-49 **15,00Bid
2584Vorschaubild1992, at risk moth in the sheet set (25), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 300.-1602-06KB **20,00Bid
2585Vorschaubild1992, 100 Pf. Amateur theater in the sheet (50) with variety blue dot left besides the head shadow (field 1), mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .1626KB **35,00Bid
2586Vorschaubild1992, precious clocks in the sheet set (25) with variety 1635 I, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 285.-1631-35KB **30,00Bid
2587Vorschaubild1993, olympic Sport sites in the sheet set (25), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 425.-1650-53KB **25,00Bid
2588Vorschaubild1996 / 7, 500 Pf. State theatre Cottbus and 550 Pf. Townhall Suhl Heinrichs, always in the vertical pair on 2 insured letter, superb, Michel 105.-1679,1746 20,00Bid
2589Vorschaubild1994, costumes in the sheetlet set, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-1757-61KB **15,00Bid
2590Vorschaubild1995, all 55 miniature sheet complete in the Lindner special album, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1070.-1772-1833KB **85,00Bid
2591Vorschaubild1995, 640 Pf. Cathedral to Speyer in the miniature sheet (10), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 100.-1811KB **no limitBid
2592Vorschaubild1996, 690 Pf. St. Michälis church in the miniature sheet (10), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 80.-1860KB **no limitBid
2593Vorschaubild1996, 400 Pf. 200 years Homeopathy, 3 x as properly franked multiple franking on insured letter DM 1000.-, superb, Michel 70.-1880 no limitBid

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