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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
4982VorschaubildAMĂ–NEBURG, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(10x16)55,00Bid
4983VorschaubildARNSDORF / Lower Bavaria: the snow chapel and the Calvary, coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1859(9x11)no limitBid
4984VorschaubildBAD ADELHOLZEN / OBERB, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)65,00Bid
4985VorschaubildBAD ADELHOLZEN / OBERB, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)65,00Bid
4986VorschaubildBADEN, partial view, steel engraving from Beautiful field / from H. Valais, 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
4987VorschaubildBy BADEN-BADEN: ruin Eberstein, steel engraving from Beautiful field / Poppel, 1840(10x15)no limitBid
4988VorschaubildBAD GLEISWEILER: the water and milked-sanitarium, steel engraving from Romantic Rhine palatinate about 1840(8x13)no limitBid
4989VorschaubildBAD KISSINGEN: the Cure hall, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
4990VorschaubildBAHRDORF, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x35)25,00Bid
4991VorschaubildBavaria: the castle sea, coloured wood engraving to Steffan around 1880(17x24)no limitBid
4992VorschaubildBy BERG: Summer residence King Karl from Wuerttemberg, coloured wood engraving from overland and ocean around 1880(10x13)20,00Bid
4993VorschaubildBerlin pictures: the CurrendeschĂĽler - Boys' choir singing in a market place, coloured wood engraving(16x22)no limitBid
4994VorschaubildBERLIN: the palace of the foreign office, coloured wood engraving about 1880(19x27)20,00Bid
4995VorschaubildBERLIN: Library hall of the crown princes in the royally castle, lithography from Borussia about 1839(12x19)no limitBid
4996VorschaubildBERLIN: monument Friedrich Wilhelm III., steel engraving from black / Strunz about 1833(16x12)no limitBid
4997VorschaubildBERLIN: the Fuchssche house, coloured wood engraving about 1880(12x22)20,00Bid
4998VorschaubildBERLIN: the merchant Storage, steel engraving from Stock / find about 1833(10x15)no limitBid
4999VorschaubildBERLIN: the Ministry of War, coloured wood engraving about 1880(16x18)25,00Bid
5000VorschaubildBERLIN: box Royale York, steel engraving from Stock / find about 1833(9x15)20,00Bid
5001VorschaubildBERLIN: pictures of the Feeder display, 8 views on one page, coloured wood engraving from LĂĽders from 1884(22x32)20,00Bid
5002VorschaubildBERLIN: the royally museum, coloured wood engraving about 1880(17x27)no limitBid
5003VorschaubildBERLIN: the interior of National Gallery (Sculptures-hall) coloured wood engraving about 1880(14x10)no limitBid
5004VorschaubildBERLIN: palace of the princes from Prussia, steel engraving from Löillot / find about 1833(10x15)20,00Bid
5005VorschaubildBERLIN: the Petrikirche, coloured wood engraving about 1880(16x9)no limitBid
5006VorschaubildBERLIN: the new townhall, coloured wood engraving to Theuerkauf around 1880(17x20)20,00Bid
5007VorschaubildBERLIN: the staircase the Reichsbank, coloured wood engraving about 1880(13x18)no limitBid
5008VorschaubildBERLIN: a subscription ball in the Royal Opera House, coloured wood engraving about 1880(18x26)20,00Bid
5009VorschaubildBERLIN: Wrangel fountain in the zoo, coloured wood engraving about 1880(35x50)40,00Bid
5010VorschaubildBERLIN: the Wadzecks institution, steel engraving from Schwartz about 1833(10x15)no limitBid
5011VorschaubildBERLIN: the areaway of the Zeughaus, coloured wood engraving to Theuerkauf around 1880(18x27)no limitBid
5012VorschaubildBETZINGEN: Sunday afternoon, pretty people staffage, coloured wood engraving from overland and ocean around 1880(15x23)45,00Bid
5013VorschaubildBy BONN: view on NONNENWERTH, coloured wood engraving from PĂĽttner around 1880(10x19)20,00Bid
5014VorschaubildBORELEM, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(20x32)90,00Bid
5015VorschaubildBORELEM, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(20x32)90,00Bid
5016VorschaubildBrunswick: the Lauenthurm, coloured wood engraving from patriotic stories from Görges 1843 / 4(7x9)no limitBid
5017VorschaubildBREISACH, general view old Breisach, coloured wood engraving from German country and people around 1880(8x10)no limitBid
5018VorschaubildBREMEN: the Gustav-Adolf-statue, coloured wood engraving about 1880(13x19)20,00Bid
5019VorschaubildBREMEN: in the Ratskeller, coloured wood engraving from Gehrts from 1881(10x16)no limitBid
5020VorschaubildBRONNEN, general view, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(10x15)no limitBid
5021VorschaubildBRUNSRODE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)20,00Bid
5022VorschaubildBUTZOW, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x35)30,00Bid
5023VorschaubildCALVĂ–RDE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x38)20,00Bid
5024VorschaubildCAMBS, with district offices and lake, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x17)40,00Bid
5025VorschaubildCHOTZEMITZ, battle from 18.6.1757, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(17x27)60,00Bid
5026VorschaubildCOSSDORF, battle from 20.2.1760 with environment, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(18x32)55,00Bid
5027VorschaubildDAMGARTEN, plan of the castle and general view on one page, original coloured copper engraving by Raspische bookstore 1760(17x30)90,00Bid
5028VorschaubildDEGGENDORF / Danube, general view, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)110,00Bid
5029VorschaubildDIEMERSTEIN in the FRANKENSTEINER bay, steel engraving from Rottmann / Frommel / Winkles about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
5030VorschaubildDIEPHOLZ: the castle, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)45,00Bid
5031VorschaubildDITHMARSCHEN: a farmer chamber, coloured wood engraving about 1880(22x31)20,00Bid
5032VorschaubildDanube baptism, general view with Whale hall, coloured wood engraving about 1880(13x19)20,00Bid
5033VorschaubildDORTMUND: the Reinoldskirche, coloured wood engraving about 1880(8x10)20,00Bid
5034VorschaubildDĂśSSELDORF: the new academy of art, coloured wood engraving about 1880(9x12)20,00Bid
5035VorschaubildThe ELBE: flooding the Low Elbe, coloured wood engraving to Arnould from 1888,(17x23)25,00Bid
5036VorschaubildCastle ELZ, steel engraving from Verhas / Winkles about 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
5037VorschaubildESSING, general view with ruin Randeck, coloured wood engraving from 1868(10x15)no limitBid
5038VorschaubildFLENSBURG (Flensborg), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Bärentzen, 1856, minimal foxed(20x27)90,00Bid
5039VorschaubildFrankfurt (Main), partial view, slight traces of age, steel engraving approximate 1850(23x26)no limitBid
5040VorschaubildFrankfurt (Main): prize-winninger draft to the Reichstag building, coloured wood engraving about 1880(9x18)no limitBid
5041VorschaubildFRIEDRICHSHAFEN: the royally castle, steel engraving from Lange / short about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
5042VorschaubildFĂśRSTENAU: the castle, steel engraving from Rohbock / Lange about 1840(12x18)20,00Bid
5043VorschaubildGEROLDSAU / Baden in Swabia: waterfall near the city, landscape scenery with sitting hikers, copper engraving by F. Rosmäsler jun. From 1820(10x14)no limitBid
5044VorschaubildGOSLAR, general view, coloured wood engraving from patriotic stories from Görges 1843 / 4(11x18)50,00Bid
5045VorschaubildBy GOSLAR: the hermitage and the Rammelsberg, steel engraving from Richter / Macclatchie about 1840(10x15)no limitBid
5046VorschaubildGRANSEE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x38)50,00Bid
5047VorschaubildGREBENSTEIN, battle from 24.6.1762 with environment, original coloured copper engraving by Ben Jochai by Raspische bookstore about 1780(17x31)90,00Bid
5048VorschaubildColic at the Trebel, coloured wood engraving from Gustav Schönleber from 1881(10x19)no limitBid
5049VorschaubildHABSBERG / Upper Palatinate, by Neumarkt, church of pilgrimage Falkenberg ( Mary, Healthy of the sick), coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1846(9x11)no limitBid
5050VorschaubildHAGENOHSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(19x38)90,00Bid
5051VorschaubildHamburg, general view, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(9x15)55,00Bid
5052VorschaubildHamburg of the Elbe seen, steel engraving from Vickers / Lewis about 1840(10x15)65,00Bid
5053VorschaubildHamburg: in the domestic harbor, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(20x15)20,00Bid
5054VorschaubildHamburg: the business exhibition, coloured wood engraving from overland and ocean around 1880(15x23)20,00Bid
5055VorschaubildHamburg: the old and new Jungfernstieg, steel engraving from Lill / Poppel, 1840(10x15)50,00Bid
5056VorschaubildHamburg: the new sailor's house, coloured wood engraving to Gottheil about(16x22)20,00Bid
5057VorschaubildHamburg: the new School-u. Museum building, coloured wood engraving from Wagner around 1880(16x23)no limitBid
5058VorschaubildHamburg ALTONA: market in Altona, coloured wood engraving about 1880(19x24)20,00Bid
5059VorschaubildHamburg ALTONA: a Storage, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(11x19)20,00Bid
5060VorschaubildHAMBURG HARBURG, general view from pavilion near the black hills, steel engraving from Lill / Wagner about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
5061VorschaubildHamburg ST. PAULI: on the Hamburg hills, coloured wood engraving from Gehrts from 1881(9x17)25,00Bid
5062VorschaubildHanover: the Marktstrasse, coloured wood engraving about 1880(7x11)25,00Bid
5063VorschaubildHanover: the Waterloo monument, steel engraving from Osterwald / Payne, 1840(10x9)no limitBid
5064VorschaubildHATMERSLEBEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x33)20,00Bid
5065VorschaubildHEIDELBERG: the new eye sanitarium, coloured wood engraving about 1880(15x23)25,00Bid
5066VorschaubildHEIDELBERG: the vault at the entrance in that castle, steel engraving from Lindemann about 1840(7x10)no limitBid
5067VorschaubildHILDESHEIM: the Gedehardkirche, original coloured xylography - wood engraving by Clerget about 1850 from painted Brun(11x14)20,00Bid
5068VorschaubildHIMMELSTä DT / NEUMARK, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x17)50,00Bid
5069VorschaubildThe HOHENSTEIN, steel engraving from Schlickum / Winkles about 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
5070VorschaubildHigh maintenance man on d. Pair / OBB. : the abbey, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)55,00Bid
5071VorschaubildHOHKIRCH / LAUSNIZ, battle from 14.10.1758, original coloured copper engraving by Raspische bookstore 1760(17x31)55,00Bid
5072VorschaubildHĂ–HINGEN / BREISGAU: the castle, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x28)40,00Bid
5073VorschaubildILDEHAUSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(12x18)20,00Bid
5074VorschaubildISEN / OBB, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(11x17)50,00Bid
5075VorschaubildKASSEL: the trade house, steel engraving from Wenderoth / Poppel, 1840(10x15)no limitBid
5076VorschaubildKATZENSTEDT / HARZ, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x17)60,00Bid
5077VorschaubildKELHEIM, general view, steel engraving from old / Winkles about 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
5078VorschaubildKIEL: attendance of the princes Frederick from Augustenburg, coloured wood engraving about 1880(16x24)20,00Bid
5079VorschaubildCoblenz, partial view, coloured wood engraving about 1880(11x15)20,00Bid
5080VorschaubildKORBITZ, battle from 21.9.1759, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(18x30)65,00Bid
5081VorschaubildBy KUDENSEE: the ferry, coloured wood engraving about 1895(6x13)no limitBid

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