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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

STAMPS (4852)
Autographed documents (6)

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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoMALIcat. no.Estimate € 
4647Vorschaubild1927, 20 Fr. On 5 Fr. Tuaregs, mint never hinged, superb59 **25,00Bid
LotPhotoMOROCCO cat. no.Estimate € 
4648Vorschaubild1917, 45 C. - 1 Fr., 5 and 10 Fr. Building of historic importance, St Tdr, rest of hinge, 5 superb items, Michel 132.5032-34,36/7 *35,00Bid
4649Vorschaubild1923, 2 - 10 Fr. Building of historic importance, 4 corner margin respectively blocks of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb73-76   **35,00Bid
4650Vorschaubild1933, 2 - 20 Fr. Landscapes and buildings, rest of hinge, 5 superb items112-16 *25,00Bid
LotPhotoMARTINIQUE cat. no.Estimate € 
4651Vorschaubild1888, 15 C. On 20 C. Red on green, bevel 5, very fine (perforation fault), Michel 320.-15F 75,00Bid
4652Vorschaubild1892, 15, 20 and 40 C. Colonial allegoriests, rest of hinge, 3 superb items, Michel 111.-31/2,35 *35,00Bid
LotPhotoMAURITANIA cat. no.Estimate € 
4653Vorschaubild1941, defence funds in corner margin blocks of four with date of printing, mint never hinged, superb130-33   **90,00Bid
4654Vorschaubild1960-68, lot different complete airmail stamps, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 240.- **50,00Bid
LotPhotoMEXICOcat. no.Estimate € 
4655Vorschaubild1868-71, 3 various covers with partly better cancellations, superb50  ,51,56 100,00Bid
4656Vorschaubild1913, 1 C. Yellow green, without control tab, on Revolution record from the state Sonora, these revenue stamp became provisionally as postal stamp used, superb269II 110,00Bid
4657Vorschaubild1903, AGENCIA DE CORREOS EN HUSTLA, rare oval cancel on double postal stationery 10 Pf. Germania, mailed in CALBE, There and returned with a lot of text, superb, R! Photo expertize Peter Holcombe 180,00Bid
4658Vorschaubild30.10.1952, KLM first flight MEXICO-AMSTERDAM, slight traces of usage, superb cover 25,00Bid
LotPhotoNEW GUINEAcat. no.Estimate € 
4659Vorschaubild30.7.1934, first flight SYDNEY LAE (return flight), mixed franking with Australia stamps, letter very fine 70,00Bid
LotPhotoNEW CALEDONIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4660Vorschaubild1981, 10, 25 F. Ships, always as Epreuves de Luxe, superb672/3P (*)50,00Bid
4661Vorschaubild1988 / 91, 36, 200 F. Ships, always as Epreuves de Luxe, superb819,914P (*)60,00Bid
4662Vorschaubild1905-44, mainly mint never hinged lot mostly smaller values, many block pieces, superb condition**,*70,00Bid
LotPhotoNEW ZEALANDcat. no.Estimate € 
4663Vorschaubild24.12.1931, 5 P. On Christmas special flight CHRISTCHURCH INERCARGILL, Christmas letter with Pilot autograph, superb, Müller 95  120,00Bid
4664Vorschaubild1973-90, 65 various first day covers, in addition to it 3 commemorative souvenir sheets and a few special feature, superb condition 45,00Bid
LotPhotoNICARAGUAcat. no.Estimate € 
4665Vorschaubild1988, heroes the revolution, complete sheet set (100), superb, Michel 650.-2901-08 50,00Bid
4666VorschaubildLarge stockbook with many cancelled values from the eighties, in addition to it approximate 50 sheet, centered folded, very fine / superb no limitBid
LotPhotoNETHERLANDS ANTILLEScat. no.Estimate € 
4667Vorschaubild1950, post paid military letter from Curaçao / Netherlands Antilles, superb 35,00Bid
LotPhotoNETHERLANDS INDIEScat. no.Estimate € 
4668Vorschaubild1941, letter of the Ned. Ind. Roode Kruis from BATAVIA to Geneva, blanking plate of the Command of the Armed Forces, very fine220 40,00Bid
4669Vorschaubild1947, two ring cancel VELDPOST BANDOENG / 1 / 1947 and handwritten notation in active service on Air field postal service letter from Bandang, superb 90,00Bid
4670Vorschaubild1946, violet single circle postmark VELDPOST / date / BATAVIA and handwritten notation In active service on Air field postal service letter from Batavia / Java, very fine 60,00Bid
4671Vorschaubild1949, two ring cancel VELDPOST BANDOENG / 1949 on Air-field postal service-printed form letter with overprint IN ACTIEVE service and post paid-memo from Bandung to Rotterdam, superb 55,00Bid
4672Vorschaubild1948, field post note for field post shipments from Sörabaja to Batavia with appropriate fieldpost cancel, traces of usage 25,00Bid
LotPhotoNETHERLANDS NEW GUINEAcat. no.Estimate € 
4673Vorschaubild1962, two ring cancel VELDPOST / date / 99 on Air field postal service letter Militair from Kaimana, very fine 55,00Bid
LotPhotoNIGER cat. no.Estimate € 
4674Vorschaubild1959-68, unused lot different issues, strong adhering values uncharged, superb / very fine Michel 250.-**,*25,00Bid
LotPhotoEAST AFRICAN COMMUNITYcat. no.Estimate € 
4675Vorschaubild1937, official letter Official Paid, Aman Tanga, superb no limitBid
LotPhotoPALESTINEcat. no.Estimate € 
4676Vorschaubild1920, fieldpost cancel F. P. O. / No. 328 on fieldpost letter the BRITISH-INDIAN militaries from Haifa, very fine 130,00Bid
LotPhotoPANAMAcat. no.Estimate € 
4677Vorschaubild9.1.1928, 2 and 5 C. On special flight Lindsbergh Day to New York, very fine, Müller no. 6142-3 30,00Bid
LotPhotoPARAGUAYcat. no.Estimate € 
4678VorschaubildSmall, almost only cancelled lot Paraguay with some duplicates, many subject issues  ,** no limitBid
LotPhotoPHILIPPINEScat. no.Estimate € 
4679VorschaubildAmerican occupation: 1900, 2 C. Rose postal stationery soldier letter, handwritten Soldiers letter of the island Cebu to Bristol / Indiana; there interim the military station no. 4 on Cebu dissolved become was, over the the army postal service was transported, carries the letter the cancel of the now American administered post office CEBU and can therefore as stamp postally used after it had ceased to be valid of the former military station designates become, superb 60,00Bid
LotPhotoRWANDAcat. no.Estimate € 
4680Vorschaubild1962-68, mainly mint never hinged collection, some values affixed, otherwise superb condition**,*25,00Bid
LotPhotoSALVADORcat. no.Estimate € 
4681Vorschaubild1897, 3 various Commemorative stamps the REPUBLIKA MAYOR DE CENTRO AMERICA ESTADO DE EL SALVADOR, rest of hinge, superb *no limitBid
4682Vorschaubild1883-1913, lot of 20 different postal stationery, of it 3 used, superb 120,00Bid
LotPhotoSAO TOME AND PRINCIPEcat. no.Estimate € 
4683Vorschaubild1983, birds in the sheet set, superb, Michel (954.-)879-900 90,00Bid
4684Vorschaubild1991, 3000 Db. Special delivery stamp in the sheet (50), stamps superb, Michel 1000.-1301 100,00Bid
4685Vorschaubild1992, fauna and flora in the sheetlet set (18), stamps superb, Michel 720.-1330-33KB 90,00Bid
4686Vorschaubild1988-92, lot different issues and souvenir sheets, superb, Michel 321.- 55,00Bid
4687Vorschaubild1979-2000, lot different issues and souvenir sheets, superb, Michel 295.- 50,00Bid
LotPhotoSINGAPORE cat. no.Estimate € 
4688Vorschaubild1954, 10 C. King George VI with single circle postmark FORCES P. O. / date / SINGAPORE on fieldpost letter from the large head quarters of the British militaries in Singapore to London, very fine25,00Bid
LotPhotoORANJEFREISTAATcat. no.Estimate € 
4689Vorschaubild1891-1902, 2 various unused postal stationery, superb, in addition to it uncharged a defects used card to Germany 30,00Bid
LotPhotoTRANSVAAL cat. no.Estimate € 
4690Vorschaubild1900, 1/2 P. Green, cancelled blanco card, superb, ashtray P1 no limitBid
LotPhotoSOUTH AFRICA FROM 1910cat. no.Estimate € 
4691Vorschaubild1915, prisoner of war letter from PIETERSMARITZBURG with violet trilingual three lines frame cancel Prisoner of was and violet censorship straight-line cancel Passed by Censor to the red cross in Geneva, superb, RR! 150,00Bid
4692Vorschaubild7.10.1918, first flight card from red cross, route: Wynberg - Green Point to Observatory C. P., stamp small defects, superb postcard, RR! Müller 4360,00Bid
LotPhotoSYRIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4693Vorschaubild1958, souvenir sheet fair Damascus, mint never hinged, superb Michel 120.-Bl. VI **40,00Bid
LotPhotoTANGIER FRENCH POSTcat. no.Estimate € 
4694Vorschaubild1929, flood victim, very fine set mint never hinged19-28 **30,00Bid
LotPhotoTANZANIA cat. no.Estimate € 
4695Vorschaubild1992 / 3, 11 various sets with the belonging souvenir sheets, superb, Michel 96.-a.1298-1677 no limitBid
4696Vorschaubild1985-87, 9 various, unperforated souvenir sheets, mint never hinged, superbaus Block 42-64 **no limitBid
4697Vorschaubild1986 / 6, 3 values always in the complete sheet (50), mint never hinged, superb, Michel 510.- **no limitBid
LotPhotoTASMANIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4698VorschaubildApproximate. 1920, stamps series, unused card, superb no limitBid
LotPhotoTHAILANDcat. no.Estimate € 
4699VorschaubildLUANG PRABANG, very rare Laos cancel on postal stationery 4 ATTA, without text to Germany with arrival postmark HAYINGEN, superb, RR! 750,00Bid
LotPhotoTOGO (INDEPENDENT COUNTRY)cat. no.Estimate € 
4700Vorschaubild1965, friendship, unperforated, very fine set mint never hinged452-456B **30,00Bid
LotPhotoCHAD cat. no.Estimate € 
4701Vorschaubild1925, 3 Fr. On 5 Fr. - 25 Fr. On 5 Fr. Postal stamps, mint never hinged, 3 superb items42-45 **30,00Bid
4702Vorschaubild1959-68, lot different issues, very fine MNH, Michel approximate 400.- **80,00Bid
LotPhotoTUNISIA cat. no.Estimate € 
4703Vorschaubild1927 / 8, complete in mint never hinged block of four, without Michel number 149, almost only superb146-50,158-60   **40,00Bid
4704Vorschaubild1906-45, interesting lot with some middle issues and many parts of a sheet, mostly mint never hinged, almost only superb condition**,*120,00Bid
LotPhotoTURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDScat. no.Estimate € 
4705Vorschaubild1881, 4 P. Light blue, rest of hinges, superb, Michel 120.-19 *40,00Bid
LotPhotoURUGUAYcat. no.Estimate € 
4706Vorschaubild1887-1909, 10 various postal stationery, mostly used, very fine / superb 50,00Bid
LotPhotoVENEZUELAcat. no.Estimate € 
4707Vorschaubild1873, 1 R. Red, diagonal halved and ½ R. Lilac-rose, normal margins on piece, two ring cancel PUERTO CABELLO, superb, photo expertize Dr. Chiavarello20,21H 80,00Bid
LotPhotoUNITED STATEScat. no.Estimate € 
4708VorschaubildScott 95 / 6, 1867, 5 C. Jefferson and 10 C. Washington, both grill impression, together on piece, perforation fault, very fine, $ 115019W,20W 180,00Bid
4709VorschaubildScott 238, 1893, 15 C. Columbus world exhibition, gum not original, superb, $ 22581 (*)40,00Bid
4710Vorschaubild1934, picture postcard from Byrd Antarctic expedition: Greetings from, with different postmark and signatur from Robert A. English, superb359 40,00Bid
4711VorschaubildScott 551-58, 1922-25, ½ C. - 6 C. Important personalities, perforated L 11, 8 block of four, of it 3 with plate number, superb259-68A   **,*150,00Bid
4712VorschaubildScott 566, 1922, 15 C. Statue of liberty in the plates block of four, the two of them lower values mint never hinged, superb277   **,*50,00Bid
4713VorschaubildScott 581 / 2, 585, 1925, 1, 1 ½ and 4 C. Important personalities, perforated L 10, in block of four, in each case the two of them lower values mint never hinged, superb260/1,265C   **,*50,00Bid
4714VorschaubildScott 586-90, 1925, 5 - 9 C. Important personalities, perforated L 10, in mint never hinged block of four, superb267-71C   **190,00Bid
4715VorschaubildScott 618, 2 C. Lexington concord in the mint never hinged block of six with plate number, $ 90.-294 **35,00Bid
4716VorschaubildScott 647 / 8, 1928, Hawaii in block of four with plate numbers, mint never hinged, superb, $ 650311/2   **240,00Bid
4717VorschaubildScott 654 / 5, 1929, 2 C. Edison and Sullivan, always in mint never hinged block of six with plate number, superb, $ 77.50317A,318 **25,00Bid
4718VorschaubildFrom Scott 1633-2838, 1976-94, 8 various mint never hinged sheet respectively double units, almost only superb condition, $ 264.50aus 1203-Bl. 34 **75,00Bid
4719VorschaubildScott C 21 / 2, 1937, Manila Hong Kong in block of four, very fine set mint never hinged, $ 90400/1   **30,00Bid
LotPhotoUSA PACKAGE STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
4720VorschaubildScott Q 8, 1912, 20 C. Biplane, tiny rest of hinge, superb, $ 120Pa 8 *40,00Bid
LotPhotoUSA SAMMUNGEN, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
4721Vorschaubild1884-1922, interesting lot of over 20 documents, almost only to Germany, mixed quality, inspect! 50,00Bid
LotPhotoUSA AIRMAILcat. no.Estimate € 
4722Vorschaubild1929, park city, Utah, snowstorm crash mail, 2 covers, in each case with a catastrophes cancel, very fine  75,00Bid
4723Vorschaubild1.7.1924, 8 C. On Trouis Continentalnachtflugbrief NEWARK CHICAGO with adhesive label Via Airplane, superb, Müller 194 d286 120,00Bid
4724Vorschaubild1928, 2 C. Cross-country Aeronautic conference (3 x Michel number 314) with the rarely brothers Wright privat overprint KITTY HAWK N. C. On air mail letter, superb 45,00Bid
4725Vorschaubild1936 / 8, brothers Wright - first flight anniversary 17.12.1903, 2 Wright Memorriam flight letters, in addition to it 2 private Wright remember sheets, superb 20,00Bid
4726Vorschaubild1936 / 43, brothers Wright anniversary, 2 air mail letters with special cachets to the presidents Roosevelt, with enclosed lot folder of the Harmer auction 1946, New York, superb 50,00Bid
4727Vorschaubild1934-52, interesting lot of 7 partly better documents, condition varies, inspect! 35,00Bid
LotPhotoUSA POSTAL STATIONERIEScat. no.Estimate € 
4728Vorschaubild1893, 1 - 10 C. Columbus and freedom, collection from 54 covers, used and unused, with also some with additional frankings to Europe and so on, very fine / superbU 348-351 280,00Bid
4729Vorschaubild1893-1951, 5 various used question- and reply cards (Paid reply Postal Cards) complete, very fine / superb 50,00Bid
4730VorschaubildApproximate. 1929-1980, lot of 60 unused airmail postal stationery and airmail letter sheets, mostly superb 30,00Bid
LotPhotoUSA ARMY POSTAL SERVICEcat. no.Estimate € 
4731Vorschaubild1919, two ring cancel THIRD ARMY / date / A. P. O. 927 and censorship stamp A. E. F. / A. 3269 (American Expeditionary Force) on Field postal service artist card Soldier mail to the United States, superb 30,00Bid
4732Vorschaubild1928, single circle postmark U. S. M. CORPS port AU PRINCE on fieldpost letter from Haiti, very fine (blotched) 60,00Bid
4733Vorschaubild1929, U. S. Navy CORPS port AU PRINCE on Field airmail letter from Haiti, very fine 90,00Bid
4734Vorschaubild1933-52, 6 various used ship mail documents, among others of the S. S. Manhattan, superb 50,00Bid
4735Vorschaubild1945, postal stationery fieldpost letter with single circle postmark wavy-line cancel U. S. ARMY / POSTAL SERVICE of the Army-post office 461 about the head fieldpost office New York, very fine 30,00Bid
4736Vorschaubild1954, fieldpost letter from Taiwan about the American head field post office in San Francisco to Vienna, with fieldpost cancel single circle postmark U. S. NAVY, superb no limitBid
4737Vorschaubild1957, fieldpost letter from base Wheelus about the army post office to New York, with single circle postmark wavy-line cancel ARMY-AIRFORCE / POSTAL SERVICE / 231, very fine 60,00Bid
4738Vorschaubild1965, fieldpost letter of the Military base Mars Station, with single circle postmark wavy-line cancel ARMY AIR FORCE / POSTAL SERVICE / 231 very fine (vertical crease) 60,00Bid
4739Vorschaubild1977, fieldpost letter the US Navy with postmark the Sinai-Field-mission, superb 30,00Bid
LotPhotoUNITED NATIONS (NEW YORK)cat. no.Estimate € 
4740Vorschaubild1955, souvenir sheet 10 years United Nations on First Day Cover, superbBl. 1I 20,00Bid
4741Vorschaubild1980, flags, complete sheetlet set, 47 x, superb, Michel (470.-)348-63 45,00Bid
4742Vorschaubild1980-84, flags, complete miniature sheet issue, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 76.- **no limitBid
LotPhotoVALAIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDScat. no.Estimate € 
4743Vorschaubild1972, pierogi competitions, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 85.-238-41 **25,00Bid
LotPhotoCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICcat. no.Estimate € 
4744Vorschaubild1959-68, mostly complete part of a collection in mint never hinged superb condition, Michel 432.- **85,00Bid
LotPhotoSLG., LOTS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
4745Vorschaubild1961-1982, small lot coil stamps Federal Republic / Berlin, mint never hinged **no limitBid
4746Vorschaubild1971-1982, 32 mostly various coil stamps Federal Republic and Berlin from prevention of accidents to castle and palaces, various better! Mint never hinged, inspect! **250,00Bid

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