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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

1766Vorschaubild 100,00Bid
1767Vorschaubild 80,00Bid
1768Vorschaubild 80,00Bid
1769Vorschaubild 70,00Bid
1771Vorschaubild1943, fieldpost card from KLAPPHOLTTAL / Sylt with rare provisionally fieldpost cancel, superb, R! 40,00Bid
1772Vorschaubild13 various army postal service registered covers, superb 70,00Bid
1773Vorschaubild1943, WLASSOW-ARMY, 50 K. - 10 R. Propaganda vignettes the propaganda department White Ruthenia, 4 mint never hinged and 2 cancelled values, superb**,  120,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 APOLDAcat. no.Estimate € 
1774Vorschaubild1945, 5 Pf. Green, sheets downward, on philatelic card, superb1II 20,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 BAD NAUHEIMcat. no.Estimate € 
1775Vorschaubild1946, 42 Pf. Franking machine print on local registered cover, a scarce locate and usual time pre-payment of postage in cash, superb, signed  100,00Bid
1776Vorschaubild1946, 54 Pf. Franking machine print on local registered cover, a scarce locate and usual time pre-payment of postage in cash, superb, signed  100,00Bid
1777Vorschaubild  150,00Bid
1778Vorschaubild1946, 84 Pf. Black / bluish violet, type I, gray paper on registered cover to Steinfurth, superb5Ix 75,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 BREDELARcat. no.Estimate € 
1779Vorschaubild1946, fee slip (wafer) on complete cut out of a parcel with postmark BREDELAR to Hanover, a very scarce locate and usual time pre-payment of postage in cash, by this cutout is a the former specimen of the Michel Germany special catalog! Photo expertize Zierer 1.000,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 DESSAUcat. no.Estimate € 
1780Vorschaubild1946, 42 Pf. "reconstruction", perforated, with double overprint, mint never hinged, superb, expertized ZiererIIIADD **35,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 FINSTERWALDEcat. no.Estimate € 
1781Vorschaubild1946, 5 Pf. Black green, 8 Pf. Blue-violet and 30 Pf. Emerald green with 40 Pf. On piece, superb, Michel 270.-3b,5b,9b 90,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 FREDERSDORFcat. no.Estimate € 
1783Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Military combat days, superb piece of letter, expertized ZiererF 818 45,00Bid
1784Vorschaubild1945, postal stationery postcard 6 Pf. "Hitler" with propaganda additionally print, unmailed used with cancellation adjusted official seal, superb, R! Expertized Dr. HarderDR P 314I 70,00Bid
1787Vorschaubild1945, 5 - XII Pf., frame size 28 x19 mm, large numeral of value, on card with postmarks from 2. August, superb, as letter piece expertized ZiererSp 226-29 140,00Bid
1788Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf., frame size 28 x19 mm, large numeral of value, Leer used on card with postmark from 27. September, superb, expertized ZiererSp 227 45,00Bid
1789Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf., frame size 28 x19 mm, large numeral of value, with variety numeral of value bluish violet, overprint medium rose, a numeral of value at the bottom, on Leer cancelled card, superb, expertized Zierer (as letter piece signed)Sp 227FIV 65,00Bid
1790Vorschaubild1945, 5 - 12 Pf., frame size 28 x19 mm and 30 Pf., frame size 38 x28 mm, small numeral of value, on philatelic registered postcard, superbSp231-34,50 150,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 FREUDENSTADTcat. no.Estimate € 
1791Vorschaubild1945, 8 Pf. Black on yellow brown in the vertical strip of three and a pair with 2 Rpf taxe precu cancel on registered cover from DORNSTETTEN, slightly blotched superb cover, R! Attest Grabowski2I 450,00Bid
1792Vorschaubild1946, fee slip taxe percue 75 Rpf on cover from FREUDENSTADT to Maur (Zurich), a first affixed taxe precu cancel with 24 Rpf. In German formal language became with led fee slip pasted over, the to Switzerland addressed letter got near the entrance post office postage due stamps in the amount of 75 Rappen, very fine, RR! Photo expertize Grabowski  500,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 GLAUCHAUcat. no.Estimate € 
1793Vorschaubild1945, 15 on 6 Pf. Bright blue violet "double overprint" in the vertical pair, a value with variety "thin horizontal bar", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 196.-5aDDIIIa  **40,00Bid
1794Vorschaubild1945, 15 on 6 Pf. Bright blue violet "double overprint" in the horizontal strip of three, a value with variety "r in circle with different foot", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 266.-5aDDV **60,00Bid
1795Vorschaubild1945, so-called stamp postally used after it had ceased to be valid, 5 Pf. Crease otherwise very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 180.-I-VI **40,00Bid
1796Vorschaubild1945, 10 Pf. Rose insured parcel, as well another single and a vertical pair without indication of value with provisional label (customs), 5 Pf. With provisional cancel PA Grössräschen Geb. Bez. On registered cover to mine Else, slight traces of use (back flap is absent), signed GP-SyV 1,1F,20b 1.000,00Bid
1797Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. Insured parcel with variety indication of value missing and 15 Pf. Black on brownish red, imperforated, in the pair in each case with variety cash on delivery in the common Roman type not crossed out, red indication of value left at the bottom on registered cover with additional franking, superb, RR! Expertized shrub, Michel 3300.-V 1F,V 2IV    1.000,00Bid
1798VorschaubildV 2AI 250,00Bid
1799Vorschaubild1945, 30 Pf. Time adhesive label 1 1/2 on postage exceeding tariff rate postcard with postmark Grossräschen Geb. Paid (type b), superb, photo expertize ZiererV 9 150,00Bid
1800Vorschaubild1946, 30 Pf. Time adhesive label in rare type indication of value 10 Pf. Improved in 30 Pf., in mixed franking with 2 time Grossräschen no. 15 a and horizontal pair 24 Pf. Joint issue numeral from the corner of the sheet top right (925 P perforations going not through margins) on registered cover with need slip of paper to Dresden - Bad white deer, superb, RR! Expertized Sturm with attestV 9I 380,00Bid
1801Vorschaubild1945, 15 Pf. Customs form, only a indication of value on philatelic card, superb, expertized Sturm and Kunz (as letter piece signed)V 11a 150,00Bid
1802Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Numeral of value black in lieu of red, unperforated, lower margin copy, superb postcard (reverse unlabeled)V 22IU 130,00Bid
1803Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Time slip of paper in the pair, scarce properly franked multiple franking on properly franked letter with provisional cancel mine ILSE, cover right above a little rough opening, otherwise superbV 25    300,00Bid
1804Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Red, unperforated, superb, expertized Dr. Arenz, Michel 600.-V 26U 170,00Bid
1805Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Red, unperforated, superb cover, Michel 800.-V 26U 170,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 GROSSRĂ„SCHENcat. no.Estimate € 
1806Vorschaubild1946, 5 and 30 Pf. From strip with margins (5 Pf. With variety without beetle! ) with 3 values additional franking on registered cover to Zittau, superb, expertized Zierer3S,10S 350,00Bid
1807Vorschaubild1946, 5 Pf. Fee stamp from strip on piece, postmark date indecipherable, superb, Michel 400.-3S 90,00Bid
1808Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. Fee stamp from strip on piece, postmark date indecipherable, superb, Michel 400.-6S 85,00Bid
1809Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. From strip with margins, double vertical perforation right and left! With additional franking on properly franked registered cover to Zschortau, reverse side not quite complete otherwise superb cover, RR! Photo expertize Kunz6S 280,00Bid
1810Vorschaubild1945, 4 Pf. In cold print, unperforated, type III, superb, Michel 250.-14BIII 70,00Bid
1811Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Black on green, type I, superb, Michel 65.-25I 20,00Bid
1812Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf, black on green, type II, with plate flaw "P from post open" on cover, stamps superb, signed25IIPFI 75,00Bid
1813Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Black on green, type III with rare plate flaw IV on field 2 (P from Pf without foot) with additional franking on properly franked registered cover to Leipzig, superb, R!25III PFIV 400,00Bid
1814Vorschaubild1945, 24 Pf. Black on lilac, type IV, superb piece of letter, Michel (200.-)26IV 65,00Bid
1815Vorschaubild1945, 40 Pf. Black on rose lilac, type III, with Michel number 13 AI on registered cover, superb, Michel 1200.-27bIII 350,00Bid
1816Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. On orange, with hammers right, in the vertical pair with additional franking on registered postcard to Berlin, superb, expertized Kunz (as letter piece signed)28II 110,00Bid
1817Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. On orange, with hammers right, with additional franking on registered postcard to Berlin, superb28II 100,00Bid
1818Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. On orange, with hammers right, with additional franking on registered postcard, superb, signed28II 90,00Bid
1819Vorschaubild1946, solidarity, unperforated, in horizontal pairs on 2 documents, superb43-46B   35,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 LĂ–BAUcat. no.Estimate € 
1820Vorschaubild1945, Hitler "A15.2 + 12" on Leer cancelled card, superb, expertized Zierer (as letter piece signed)W 157 120,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 MEISSENcat. no.Estimate € 
1821Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Brown red reconstruction, unperforated, large left lower corner of the sheet, with additional franking on Kempe registered cover, superb, expertized Zierer38aB 75,00Bid
1822Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Dark lilac brown "reconstruction" with additional franking on Kempe registered cover, superb, expertized Zierer, Michel 300.-38bB 90,00Bid
LotPhotoLOCAL ISSUE 1945 SPREMBERGcat. no.Estimate € 
1823Vorschaubild1946, 5 Pf. Emerald green, unperforated, with variety numeral of value 5 missing, in the block of nine from the left lower corner of the sheet, superb piece of letter, RR! Michel (2000.-)9BF 680,00Bid
1824Vorschaubild1946, 8 and 12 Pf. Reconstruction, perforated and imperforated, always in the sheet set (30), superb21/2A,B **55,00Bid
1826VorschaubildWEIXDORF (circle DRESDEN) in violet, with handwritten registered 6 Pf. And taxe precu cancel, commercially used used in DIPOLDSWALDE and to Dresden transported, superb, photo expertize Ströh, RR!P A01 240,00Bid
1827Vorschaubild1946, 6 Pf. Black, sender 15 mm long, with 6 Pf. First issue of stamps for Germany after WW II., superb postcard from AHRENSBĂ–K to FlensburgP 741II 35,00Bid
1828Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Black on chamois, with 2 strip, inspection cancel BĂśSUM and heather, 2 used superb cards, Michel 90.-P 764III 20,00Bid
1829Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pfe. Black on pale chamois, type II, cancel "KIEL", very fine, Michel 100.-P 768II 20,00Bid
1830Vorschaubild1946, I. Control issue in parts of sheets, as well 78 complete mint never hinged sets (Michel 585.-), superb911-37 **85,00Bid
1831Vorschaubild1947, 10, 15 and 25 Pf. I. Control issue, 4 values plate printing, upper margin copies, on cover to Sweden with rare censorship stamp, superb918,922,926/7POR 45,00Bid
1832Vorschaubild1946, 12 Pf. Grey, plate printing, not perforated throughout, in the block of eight from of the right upper corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 80.-920POR **15,00Bid
1833Vorschaubild1946, 16 Pf. Green in the left lower corner margin block of four with printers mark F, very fine MNH, Michel 350.-923DZ **100,00Bid
1834Vorschaubild1946, 40 Pf. Carmine lilac, rotary printing, in the 10s souvenir sheet from of the right upper corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (175.-)929WOR **35,00Bid
1835Vorschaubild1946, 80 Pf. Ultramarine with plate flaw slanting white coating above at the D from German (field 57) in the part of a souvenir sheet with normal stamps, mint never hinged, superb935I **20,00Bid
1836Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet pair postage stamps exhibition, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-Bl. 12A/B **35,00Bid
1837Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet pair postage stamps exhibition, as usual gum creases, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-Bl. 12A/B **25,00Bid
1838Vorschaubild1946, souvenir sheet pair "postage stamps exhibition", violet special cancel, superb, Michel 420.-Bl. 12A/B 110,00Bid
1839Vorschaubild1947, 10 Pf. Green with plate flaw, r in lieu of i in penny, in the block of four from the margin with normal stamps, mint never hinged, superb946I **no limitBid
1840Vorschaubild1947, 12 Pf. Dark gray turquoise, upper left corner of the sheet with printers mark 8, mint never hinged, superb947DZ **15,00Bid
1841Vorschaubild1947, 12 Pf. Dark gray turquoise, plate printing, upper margin copy, perforations going through margins, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-947POR **45,00Bid
1842Vorschaubild1947, 20 Pf. Medium blue, plate printing, perforations going through margins, in the block of four from upper margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 100.-950aPOR  **30,00Bid
1843Vorschaubild1947, 24 Pf. Brown orange with variety white bar through the belt buckle up to ladle, in the lower margin block of six with normal stamps, mint never hinged, superb951I **15,00Bid
1844Vorschaubild1947, 40 Pf. Lilac in the sheet with variety 954 III (field 66) and HAN 4133.46 1, mint never hinged, superb954 **20,00Bid
1845Vorschaubild1947, 80 Pf. Blue with variety white spots in the and right besides U in German, in the block of four from the margin with normal stamps, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (80.-)957III **25,00Bid
1846Vorschaubild1947, 3 M. Brownish red and 5 M. Dark purple ultramarine with special cancel FRANKFURT National Assembly, superb piece of letter, abridged certificate H. D. Schlegel961/2a 15,00Bid
1847Vorschaubild1947, 3 M. Brownish red in the lower right corner margin block of four, field 50 with variety line at the image border over head the dove, mint never hinged, brown dot otherwise superb961II **55,00Bid
1848Vorschaubild1948, 5 M. Violet ultramarine with additional franking on piece, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel (180.-)962b 65,00Bid
1849Vorschaubild1948, 5 Mk. Violet ultramarine from right margin of sheet with additional franking 8 Pf. Worker on properly franked special delivery insured letter over 7000.- RM. From MĂśNSTEREIFEL to Hengersberg with adapted army postal service insured letter note, superb cover, RR! Photo expertize Hettler962b 440,00Bid
1850Vorschaubild1948, 5 M. Blackish ultramarine, upper margin copy, perforations going through margins, plate printing, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 100.-962c POR **20,00Bid
1851Vorschaubild1947, 75 Pf. Stephan in the sheet (50) with plate flaws on the fields 11 and 21, mint never hinged, superb964I,V **45,00Bid
1852Vorschaubild1948, 50 Pf. Leipzig spring fair in the sheet (25), as well the varieties on field 12 and 19, mint never hinged, superb967II,III **20,00Bid
1853Vorschaubild1948, 24 Pf. Export fair in the sheet (50) with varieties on the fields 10 and 35, mint never hinged, superb969 I,II **15,00Bid
1854Vorschaubild1948, export fair, both block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 80.-VZd 1/2 **15,00Bid
1855Vorschaubild1948, export fair, all 8 se-tenants complete, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 204.-WZd 1- SZd 4 **50,00Bid
1856Vorschaubild1948, 50 Pf. Export fair with variety (field 100) in the block of four (VZd 1), mint never hinged, superb970I **15,00Bid
1857Vorschaubild1948, export fair in the block of four, special cancel, superbVZd 1 15,00Bid
1858Vorschaubild1948, export fair in the block of four, special cancel, superbVZd 1 15,00Bid
1859VorschaubildCollection from 41 different mint never hinged block of four with HAN, a few better, superbaus 911-937 HAN **190,00Bid
1860Vorschaubild1946 / 48, 13 franked documents authorities postal service from of the SBZ, condition varies 35,00Bid
LotPhotoBERLIN AND BRANDENBURGcat. no.Estimate € 
1861Vorschaubild1945, Berlin bear, normal roulette, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 180.-1-7B **45,00Bid
1862Vorschaubild1945, 8 Pf. Orange red, perforated, with variety "spot above at IN from Berlin", in the vertical pair with normal stamp on superb cover, Michel 120.-3AXIV 35,00Bid
1863Vorschaubild4Abwbz    650,00Bid
1864Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Medium carmine red, gray rose paper, smooth gum, in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Zierer, Michel 760.-5AAwax  **210,00Bid
1865Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Medium carmine red, gray rose paper, smooth gum, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Zierer, Michel 190.-5AAwax **50,00Bid

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