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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME


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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoPRUSSIAcat. no.Estimate € 
255Vorschaubild1851, ½ Sgr. Red orange, centered nummeral cancel 200 (BUCHHOLZ), superb in every respect (choice copy)50,00Bid
256Vorschaubild1856, ½ Sgr. Red orange and 4 Pf. Green, 2 superb items, Michel 170.-1,5a 45,00Bid
257Vorschaubild1851, ½ Sgr. Red orange, centered nummeral cancel 101 (BERGHEIM), superb30,00Bid
258Vorschaubild1850, ½ Sgr. Red orange (right slightly cut into) with wide margined 2 Sgr. Black on blue on piece, nummeral cancel 1350 and additional cancellation BERLIN MAGDEBURG, decorative superb piece of letter, expertized W. Engel1,3 80,00Bid
259Vorschaubild1850, 1 Sgr. Black on rose with town cancel! Crease, very fine, Michel 200.-2a no limitBid
260Vorschaubild1850, 1 Sgr. Black on dark rose, centered nummeral cancel 1458 (STRIEGAU), superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized Jäschke L.2b 20,00Bid
261Vorschaubild1856, 4 Pf. Green, superb in every respect (choice copy), Michel (100.-)5a 35,00Bid
262Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose in the horizontal having full margins strip of five, nummeral cancel 103, various on the back defects, very scarce unit! Photo expertize Meier6a 400,00Bid
263Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose and 3 Sgr. Yellow orange, 2 superb items6a,8a 25,00Bid
264Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose, of the same value-level mixed franking on piece with nummeral cancel 1083 (Odenkirchen), very fine (Michel number 6 error in cutting), expertized Kastaun6a,10a 50,00Bid
265Vorschaubild1856, 1 Sgr. Rose, dwarf cut, with nummeral cancel 596 (HEILIGENSTADT) to Dingelstädt as printed matter used. The letter is double used. He what previously already as printed matter used with Hanover 3 Pfe. With rectangle cancel Hanover 23. January in this kind a interesting and extraordinary two countries combination, superb, photo expertize Berger6a,Han.8b 2.500,00Bid
266Vorschaubild1857, 3 Sgr. Yellow orange, thin paper, with large right margin, row number 3, rectangle cancel with two lines Pain tepid, minimal trace of crease, superb8ax 100,00Bid
267Vorschaubild1857, 3 Sgr. Yellow orange, thin paper, superb, Michel 100.-8ax 30,00Bid
268Vorschaubild1856, 3 Sgr. Orange as additional franking on large 3 Sgr. Orange postal stationery cover, accompanying letter for parcels from Munich to COESTERNITZ (on face arrival postmark), superb cover with denomination value and colour-matched franking, R! Photo expertize Flemming12a,U 13B 200,00Bid
269Vorschaubild1864, 4 Pf. Dark green, superb, expertized Jäschke L, Michel 70.-14b 20,00Bid
270Vorschaubild1861, 1 Sgr. Rose with plate flaw inner oval line right under R from SILB. GR broken, in a horizontal pair with normal stamp, very fine (small defects)16III 30,00Bid
271Vorschaubild1867, 3 Pf. Red violet, Tu T cancel OHRDRUF, superb, signed, Michel 350.-19b 110,00Bid
272Vorschaubild1867, 1 Kr. Emerald green, does cancel WEILBURG, superb22 50,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA TOWN CANCELcat. no.Estimate € 
273VorschaubildBERLIN post EXP 9 Potsdam-people railway station, three lines frame cancel in blue! On horizontal strip of four 1 Sgr. Rose, very fine (2 values defects)16 30,00Bid
274VorschaubildFRANKENHAGEN, two ring cancel on 3 Sgr. Pale brown, superb piece of letter, R! Expertized Kastaun18a 50,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA STILL USED POSTMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
275VorschaubildGroup, rectangle cancel with two lines centered on 1 Gr. Red carmine, superb piece of letterNDP 16 no limitBid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
276Vorschaubild37 neat values, mostly superb condition, Michel more then 1500.-  250,00Bid
277VorschaubildNeat, cancelled lot of 119 values, in predominant superb condition, with also nice cancel, inspect, M. Over 4000.-  600,00Bid
LotPhotoSAXONY PRE PHILATELYcat. no.Estimate € 
278Vorschaubild1858, stampless C. O. D. Cover, from Leipzig to Pegau, with black rectangular cancel LEIPZIG, with fee postmark, blue rate markings, superb cover with full content. 110,00Bid
LotPhotoSAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
279Vorschaubild1850, 3 Pf. Dark red, plate IV, LOC. 1, with two ring cancel CHEMNITZ on large letter piece, having bright colours decorative superb piece of letter, various old signs and photo expertize Pröschold1a 3.500,00Bid
280Vorschaubild1851, 3 Pf. Dark blue green, first edition, upper right corner of the sheet, with Dresdner local post cancel N. 4. U, superb in every respect (choice copy), RR! Expertized Pfenniger2Ia 500,00Bid
281Vorschaubild1851, 1 Ngr. Black on dull carmine red, late edition, and 2 Ngr. Black on medium blue, good to large margins all round on closely letter piece, superb in every respect (choice copy), photo expertize Vaatz4IIa,7 50,00Bid
282Vorschaubild1851, 2 Ngr. Black on mattpreussischblau, perfect centered two ring cancel LEIPZIG train: post EXPED, very fine, abridged certificate Vaatz40,00Bid
283Vorschaubild1851 / 2, 3 Ngr. Black on medium olive yellow and 2 Ngr. Black on medium blue, always in a horizontal pair, very fine / superb, Michel 390.-6,7    75,00Bid
284Vorschaubild1857, 5 Ngr. Rust brown, superb, expertized Pfenniger, Michel 220.-12e 60,00Bid

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