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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoESTONIAcat. no.Estimate € 
2892Vorschaubild87-89 15,00Bid
2893Vorschaubild109-12 **20,00Bid
2894Vorschaubildaus 113-147  no limitBid
2897Vorschaubild 148-51, Bl.4**15,00Bid
2898Vorschaubild195/96 x,y**no limitBid
LotPhotoFINLANDcat. no.Estimate € 
2899Vorschaubild1860, 3 A. Light blue, Lovisa stroke of pen cancellation N (Norring), all tongues, superb3A ~120,00Bid
2900Vorschaubild1865, 10 K. Rose-carmine on rose, rectangle cancel with two lines RAUMO, practically all tongues, superb piece of letter4Bx 60,00Bid
2901Vorschaubild1866, 8 P. Black on green with rare three lines frame cancel LADBREF FRAN Finland, practically all tongues, thin spot place, superb6Bx 120,00Bid
2902Vorschaubild1867, 8 P. Black on green, rest of hinges, a missing tongue otherwise superb6Cx *90,00Bid
2903Vorschaubild1867, 8 P. Black on green, practically all tongues, superb6Cx 60,00Bid
2904Vorschaubild1870, 10 P. Black on chamois in the horizontal strip of three, rectangle cancel with one line FR. KO, left stamp a few short tongues, whose right pair almost all tongues complete, superb, R!7By 480,00Bid
2905Vorschaubild1866, 20 P. Blue in the horizontal separated pair on piece, single circle postmark BRAHESTAD, practically all tongues, superb8C    60,00Bid
2906Vorschaubild11.3.48, first flight HELSINKI COPENHAGEN, superb, Müller 58322 20,00Bid
2907VorschaubildCoil stamps for vending machine: 1992, 89 different values, almost only complete issues, superb, Michel 550.-A 12 120,00Bid
LotPhotoFINLAND COLLECTIONScat. no.Estimate € 
2908VorschaubildNeat cancelled part of a collection from 1885-1931 with good middle values, superb, Michel more then 1200.- 190,00Bid
2909Vorschaubild1992-2002, "Europe" in 9 miniature sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 305.-KB **50,00Bid
LotPhotoFINLAND ALANDINSELNcat. no.Estimate € 
2910Vorschaubild2001, 2005-13, 10 various vintage wallets, superb **160,00Bid
LotPhotoFRANCEcat. no.Estimate € 
2911Vorschaubild1850, 10 C. Yellow brown, superb, Michel 400.-1a 120,00Bid
2912Vorschaubild1850, 15 C. Green, having bright colours superb item, signed Starauschek, Michel 1200.-2a 350,00Bid
2913Vorschaubild1852, 10 C. Yellow brown, superb, Michel 700.-8a 170,00Bid
2914Vorschaubild1852 / 3, 7 superb and superb in every respect items, mostly expertized Calvesaus 9-15 100,00Bid
2915Vorschaubild1854, 1 Fr. Dark carmine with small figures rhombus 1658, hardly visible corner crease traces (not mentioned in certificate) otherwise having bright colours superb item, photo expertize from the Weid, Michel 5000.-17b 900,00Bid
2916Vorschaubild1876, 1 C. Green, rest of hinge, very fine (corner perforation fault), Michel 170.-56 *25,00Bid
2917Vorschaubild1877, 5 Fr. Violet on pale lilac, rest of hinges, very fine, Michel 450.-76 *90,00Bid
2918Vorschaubild1900, 2 Fr. Brown on bluish, rest of hinges, as usual perforated otherwise superb, Michel 90.-85 *25,00Bid
2919Vorschaubild1917 / 9, war orphan, rest of hinge, very fine set, Michel 2500.-128-35 *750,00Bid
2920Vorschaubild1918, 15 C. Red Cross, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 150.-136 *45,00Bid
2921Vorschaubild1922, 5 Fr. War orphan in blue and blue-grey (Yvert no. 169 and 169 a), mint never hinged, 2 superb items, Yvert EUR 735.-151 **190,00Bid

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