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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoBELGIUM COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2840VorschaubildUnused part of a collection Belgium from 1920-42 with many good values, sets and souvenir sheets, also official stamps, superb collection, Michel for ** 5100.- *450,00Bid
2841VorschaubildCollection Belgium to 1988, the first years hardly be present, the years 1961-1988 apparently mint never hinged complete in superb condition**,*,  190,00Bid
LotPhotoBULGARIAcat. no.Estimate € 
2842Vorschaubild1881, 25 St. Black / lilac, superb, Michel 100.-10 20,00Bid
2843Vorschaubild1885, 5 on 30 St. Dark blue / yellow brown engraved printing overprint, superb, Michel 100.-22II 30,00Bid
2844Vorschaubild8.11.27, first flight SOFIA-VARNA, superb, Müller 7204,206,208 20,00Bid
2845Vorschaubild1931, 2. Balkan Peninsula game, only margin pieces, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 320.-242-48 **100,00Bid
2846Vorschaubild1932, airmail exhibition, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 250.-249-51 **80,00Bid
2847Vorschaubild1933, "4. Balkan Peninsula game", rest of hinge, superb252-58 *180,00Bid
2848Vorschaubild1991, domestic animals in the sheet set (100) with centered postmarks, 2 x folded, superb, Michel 300.-3881-85 no limitBid
2849Vorschaubild1992, insects in the sheet set (100) with centered postmarks, 2 x folded, superb, Michel 250.-4016/7 no limitBid
2850VorschaubildPostage due stamps: 1884, 5 St. Orange, perforated A, rest of hinges, superb, Michel 800.-P 1A *190,00Bid
2851Vorschaubild1913, army postal service picture postcard of a soldiers the Bulgarian occupation army from Adrianople to Turkey, only with military cancel, superb 120,00Bid
2852Vorschaubild1913, fieldpost letter from Dede Agatsch with blue military cancel, superb 45,00Bid
2853VorschaubildCompulsory surtax stamps: 1925, sanatoria the post office clerk, 7 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 95.-Z 1-7 **30,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
2854Vorschaubild1852, 2 RBS Ferslew, plate I, type 9, field 43, large margins all around on small choice copy letter, photo expertize Københavns philatelist club2I 1.800,00Bid
2855Vorschaubild1865, 4 S. Red, perforated K 13: 12 ½, duplex postmark 188 (DPSK. P. EXP. No. 5) on small letter, very fine (small defects), photo expertize C. A. Møller13Aa 70,00Bid
2856Vorschaubild1875, 3 Ø dull ultramarin / grey, normal frame, watermark 1 Y, perforated K 14: 13 ½, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 140.-22IYAa *45,00Bid
2857Vorschaubild1875, 25 Ø, normal frame, watermark 1 Y, perforated K 14: 13 ½, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 70.-29IYA *20,00Bid
2858Vorschaubild1905, 50 Ø dark lilac and 100 Ø yellow brown, 2 superb items, Michel 80.-51/2 20,00Bid
2859Vorschaubild1921, 10 Ø Red Cross on 7 + 3 Ø postal stationery cover and 5 further values on decorative registered cover to Germany, superb116 50,00Bid
2860Vorschaubild1929, 50 Ø and 1 Kr. "airmail", rest of hinge, superb180/1 *50,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK OFFICIAL STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
2861Vorschaubild 120,00Bid
2862Vorschaubild1871, 2 S. Ultramarine, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 220.-D1 *65,00Bid
2863Vorschaubild1881, 32 Ø yellow green, (Facit catalogue TJ 9 b), superb, Facit catalogue 550.- skr.D 7 20,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK POSTFERRY STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
2864Vorschaubild1919, 1 Kr. Pale brown, rest of hinge, superbPf 4 *50,00Bid
LotPhotoDENMARK COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2865Vorschaubild1875-1934, lot different cancelled values, very fine / superb, Michel approximate 650.- 110,00Bid
2866VorschaubildSmall unused lot different values official stamps, postage due stamps and postal-ferry, very fine / superb Michel approximate 970.-**,*100,00Bid
2867Vorschaubild1972-91, almost completely on sides, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 628.- **140,00Bid
2868Vorschaubild1882-1982, almost only cancelled collection in the Schaubek album, with many middle issues, mostly superb condition 250,00Bid
2869Vorschaubild1866 approximate. 1950, interesting lot of 20 covers, cards and postal stationery postcards, many good middle documents! Inspect! 100,00Bid

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