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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

4284Vorschaubild1883-98, over 40 postal stationery postcards to Germany, a few interesting cancel, very fine / superb 75,00Bid
LotPhotoSWITZERLANDcat. no.Estimate € 
4285Vorschaubild1850, 5 Rp black / vermilion on blue, without cross bordering, rectangle cancel with one line P. P., touched on two sides, Michel 480.-7II 80,00Bid
4286Vorschaubild1853, 10 Rp black / red on yellow, type 10, lithographic stone B1 (RU), except for one corner full margins, superb cover from far to Sax8II 220,00Bid
4287Vorschaubild1854, 5 Rp brown orange, 1. Munich printing, (Zst. 22 Aa), at the bottom a little cut into otherwise mostly superb with wide margins, Michel 1500.-13Ia 270,00Bid
4288Vorschaubild1854, 5 Rp gray brown, Bern printing I, (Zst. 22 Bb), in the horizontal, mostly having full margins pair on envelope from Ebnat to stone, superb13IIAym    190,00Bid
4289Vorschaubild1854, 5 Rp medium gray brown, silk paper, Bern printing II, (Zst. 22 F), left partly slightly cut into otherwise full margins, superb, Michel 1000.-13IIAzm 250,00Bid
4290Vorschaubild1854, 10 Rp medium blue, 2. Munic printing, (handbook 23 A3), superb, expertized Hermann with attest14Ib 70,00Bid
4291Vorschaubild1854, 10 Rp medium blue, 2. Munic printing, (Zst. 23 A), clear to large margins all round, superb, expertized von der Weid, Michel 550.-14Ib 80,00Bid
4292Vorschaubild1856, 10 Rp Prussian-blue, silk paper, Bern printing III, (Zst. 23 Eb), stereotype flaw, blue lozenge, very fine, photo expertize Hermann, Michel (400.-)14IIBzo 90,00Bid
4293Vorschaubild1859, 10 Rp bright blue, Bern printing III, (Zst. 23 G), 15 superb items in minor shades, as well a horizontal pair14IIBym 80,00Bid
4294Vorschaubild1859, 10 Rp bright blue, Bern printing III, (Zst. 23 G), 10 superb items in minor shades14IIBym 60,00Bid
4295Vorschaubild1859, 10 Rp bright blue, Bern printing III, (Zst. 23 G), diagonally one-line cancel REHETOB (EL), two-sided with wide margins, superb14IIBym 20,00Bid
4296Vorschaubild1855, 15 Rp rose, Bern printing I, (handbook 24 B1), left margin copy, superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized Hermann with attest15IIAym 50,00Bid
4297Vorschaubild1857, 15 Rp rose, blue silk thread, Bern printing II, (Zst. 24 D), one-line cancel BALLWYL, at the bottom cut in otherwise superb with wide margins, expertized Hermann with attest15IIByp 40,00Bid
4298Vorschaubild1857, 15 Rp rose, Bern printing II, (Zst. 24 F), on silk paper, single circle postmark Basle, upper margin line touched on one sides otherwise large margins all around, superb, photo expertize Hermann, Michel 300.-15IIAzm 90,00Bid
4299Vorschaubild1854, 20 Rp yellow orange, Bern printing I, (Zst. 25 B), with centered blue lozenge, very fine, Michel (200.-)16IIAym 60,00Bid
4300Vorschaubild1854, 20 Rp yellow orange, Bern printing I, (Zst. 25 Bc), large margins all around, small thin otherwise superb16IIAym 60,00Bid
4301Vorschaubild1854, 40 Rp dark yellowish green, 1. Munic printing, (Zst. 26 A), large margins all around, above with margin of sheet, superb in every respect (choice copy), photo expertize Hermann, Michel (550.-)17Ib 220,00Bid
4302Vorschaubild1855, 40 Rp yellowish green, brown red silk thread, Bern printing II, (Zst. 26 C), right margin copy, lower right close margins otherwise full margins superb17IIAyr 40,00Bid
4303Vorschaubild1862, 2 Rp grey, Bern printing III, (Zst 21 G), left at the bottom touched otherwise good margined superb item, Michel 480.-19 110,00Bid
4304Vorschaubild1863, 40 C. Green, single circle postmark St. Gallen, superb piece of letter26 20,00Bid
4305Vorschaubild1863, 1 Fr. Ormolu, corner tooth perforation crease otherwise superb, Michel 420.-28a 85,00Bid
4306Vorschaubild1863, 1 Fr. Ormolu, very fine (small perforation faults), Michel 420.-28a 60,00Bid
4307Vorschaubild1864, 1 Fr. Gold, superb, Michel 100.-28c 30,00Bid
4308Vorschaubild1867, 2 C. Red-brown, superb, Michel 240.-29b 70,00Bid
4309Vorschaubild1867, 2 C. Red-brown, very fine (corner perforation fault), Michel 240.-29b 50,00Bid
4310Vorschaubild1878, 40 C. Grey with variety control mark extremely weak engraved, cancel RORSCHACH, superb, photo expertize Hermann, Michel 120.-34 55,00Bid
4311Vorschaubild1867, 40 C. Grey, as usual perforated, superb, Michel 120.-34 25,00Bid
4312Vorschaubild1882, 5 C. Purple brown, superb, Michel 120.-46 35,00Bid
4313Vorschaubild1882, 5 C. Purple brown on 5 C. Black postal stationery postcard to Würzburg, superb46 65,00Bid

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