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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoICELANDcat. no.Estimate € 
2993Vorschaubild1873, 8 Sk. Brown, perforated 14: 13 ½, at the bottom one short perf otherwise very fine MNH4A **100,00Bid
2994Vorschaubild1897, 3 on 5 A. Green, perforated 12 3 / 4, overprint type II, on cover (on the back tab is absent) to Akranesi, reverse violet crown stamp AKRANES, superb, R!18BII 250,00Bid
2995Vorschaubild1904, 5 Kr. Red-brown / grey, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 130.-47 *40,00Bid
2996Vorschaubild1914, 1 E, 4 / 5 A. Kings on picture postcard from Reykjavik to Holland, superb76,78/9 30,00Bid
2997Vorschaubild1918, 6 A. "double portrait", rough perforation, superb, Michel 110.-80 30,00Bid
2998Vorschaubild1923, 20 A King Christian X, single franking on cover from AKUREYRI, superb101 30,00Bid
2999Vorschaubild1925 / 6, 2 Kr. On 25 A. Orange and 10 Kr. On 50 A. Lilac red, rest of hinge, superb119/20 *120,00Bid
3000Vorschaubild1925, 10 Kr. On 50 A. Lilac red, rest of hinge, superb120 *75,00Bid
3001Vorschaubild1930, 10 Kr. On 5 Kr. "double portrait", rest of hinge, superb, signed Zumstein141 *120,00Bid
3002Vorschaubild1935, Jochumsson, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 90.-183-86 **25,00Bid
3003Vorschaubild1943 / 5, 5, 1 and 10 Kr., perforated K 14, always from of the lower corner of the sheet, mint never hinged, 3 superb items, Michel (81.-)230,239/40A **30,00Bid
3004Vorschaubild1957, 25 Kr. Bessastadir on First Day Cover, superb, Michel 120.-319 35,00Bid
3005VorschaubildPostal stationery: 1913, 10 A. Christian IX, question part from AKUREYRI to Germany, a little blotched, very fineP 38F no limitBid
3006VorschaubildP 54F no limitBid
LotPhotoICELAND SERVICEcat. no.Estimate € 
3007Vorschaubild1922, 5 Kr. Brown, superb, Michel 220.-D 42 70,00Bid
LotPhotoITALY PRE PHILATELYcat. no.Estimate € 
3008Vorschaubild1847, "CAVARZERE", two-line cancel on decorative letter with content and official seal to Padova, superb 35,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD ITALY PAPAL STATEScat. no.Estimate € 
3009Vorschaubild1869, 20 C. Black on brown rose on small decorative letter from CIVITAVECCHIA to Genoa, superb23b 50,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD ITALY NAPLEScat. no.Estimate € 
3010Vorschaubild1858, ½ Gr. Dull lilac rose and 10 Gr. Brown rose, superb piece of letter1,5 85,00Bid
3011Vorschaubild1858, 10 Gr. Dark brownish pink, plate I (Sassone no. 10 b) and 10 Gr. Carmine rose, plate II (Sassone no. 11), signed, very fine / superb100,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD ITALY PARMAcat. no.Estimate € 
3012Vorschaubild1859, 10 C. Dark brown, rest of hinge, superb, signed Gebruder Senf, Michel 750.-13 *190,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD ITALY SARDINIAcat. no.Estimate € 
3013Vorschaubild1853, 5 C. Blue-green, centered two ring cancel THONON, superb in every respect (choice copy), Michel (1100.-)300,00Bid
LotPhotoITALYcat. no.Estimate € 
3014Vorschaubild1863, 10 C. Brown orange, rest of hinge, perforation fault, very fine, Michel 2500.-17 *160,00Bid
3015Vorschaubild1923, 7 ½ C. On 85 C. - 50 C. On 55 C. King Victor Immanuel III in block of four, partly from the corner of the sheet, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel (360.-)166-72   **120,00Bid
3016Vorschaubild1925, 1.75 L. On 10 L. Olive / rose in the block of four from the lower margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (160.-)221   **50,00Bid
3017Vorschaubild1931, naval academy Leghorn, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 85.-369-71 **25,00Bid
3018Vorschaubild1949, 100 L. Republica Romana, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 300.-773 **90,00Bid
3019Vorschaubild1950, 100 L. Corn crop, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 90.-824 **25,00Bid
3020Vorschaubild1951, Milanese fair, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 90.-830/1 **25,00Bid
3021Vorschaubild1951, gymnastic competitions, mint never hinged, set very fine, Michel 90.-834-36 **20,00Bid
3022Vorschaubild1953, 80 L. Orange brown, watermark 3, block of four from the upper margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 480.-891   **120,00Bid

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