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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoFEDERAL REPUBLIC GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
2481Vorschaubild1949, Lower House of German Parliament from upper margin, mint never hinged, superb111/2 **25,00Bid
2482Vorschaubild1949, 10 Pf. Lower House of German Parliament with variety dot right in the horizontal bar of the T in German, lower margin copy, rest of hinge, superb111I *55,00Bid
2483Vorschaubild1949, 20 Pf. Lower House of German Parliament with plate flaw mandrel at the first ridge of the roof above (field 10), superb, Michel - .112VII 85,00Bid
2484Vorschaubild1949, 100 years of stamps with red first day special cancel, very fine set113-15 45,00Bid
2485Vorschaubild1949, 100 years of stamps on air mail letter to the United States, superb113-15 40,00Bid
2486Vorschaubild1949, 30 Pf. 100 years of stamps with variety 0 in the indication of value 30 damaged, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 350.-115I **90,00Bid
2487Vorschaubild1949, 30 Pf. Stephan, upper margin copy, mint never hinged, superb116 **20,00Bid
2488Vorschaubild1949, 30 Pf. "Stephan", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 70.-116 **15,00Bid
2489Vorschaubild1949, Helpers of Mankind (I) from upper margin, very fine set mint never hinged117-20 **35,00Bid
2490Vorschaubild1949, Helpers of Mankind (I), very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 110.-117-20 **25,00Bid
2491Vorschaubild1949, Helpers of Mankind (I), as usual perforated very fine set, Michel 170.-117-20 35,00Bid
2492Vorschaubild1949, 30 Pf. "Wichern", superb, Michel 120.-120 35,00Bid
2493Vorschaubild1950, Bach, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 110.-121/2 **25,00Bid
2494Vorschaubild1950, "Bach", superb, Michel 100.-121/2 20,00Bid
2495Vorschaubild1950, Bach, as usual perforated superb, Michel 100.-121/2 15,00Bid
2497Vorschaubild1952, 2 Pf. Posthorn in a horizontal pair as multiple franking on printed matter, superb123   15,00Bid
2498Vorschaubild1951, 4 Pf. Posthorn in the vertical block of eight, as usual perforated superb124 20,00Bid
2499Vorschaubild1951, 4 and 5 Pf. Posthorn, always in the block of four, superb124/5    15,00Bid
2500Vorschaubild1951, 5 Pf. Posthorn in the vertical block of eight, as usual perforated superb125 15,00Bid
2501Vorschaubild1953, 5 and 50 Pf. Posthorn, always in the centric cancelled block of four reverse on package card with 5 Pf. Additional franking from HAIDMÃœHLE, superb125,134    140,00Bid
2502Vorschaubild1954, 6 Pf. Posthorn, block of eight, block of four and 3 horizontal pairs reverse on package card from hemlock, 2 Pf. Additional franking, a few perf tips a little slightly used, superb, RR!126 370,00Bid
2503Vorschaubild1954, 6 Pf. Posthorn in the block of eight and horizontal pair reverse on package card as scarce multiple franking from EGGMÃœHL, superb, Michel - .126 330,00Bid
2504Vorschaubild126 310,00Bid
2505Vorschaubild1954, 6 Pf. Posthorn in the block of eight and horizontal pair on the reverse side with 50 Pf. Heuss additional franking on package card from JANDELSBRUNN, superb126 180,00Bid
2506Vorschaubild1954, 6 Pf. Posthorn in the block of eight reverse on package card with additional franking from EGGMÃœHL, superb126 140,00Bid
2507Vorschaubild1951, 15 Pf. "posthorn" in a horizontal pair, superb, Michel 180.-129   40,00Bid
2508Vorschaubild1954, receipt book (country), deliver district I in Schalding, 32 sides complete, the fee became mostly with 15 Pf. Posthorn stamps cleared, franked rural deliveries are extremely rare!129 180,00Bid
2509Vorschaubild1954, 30 Pf. "posthorn" in a horizontal pair on the reverse side with 110 Pf. Additional franking on package card from "hemlock", normal perforation, superb132    85,00Bid
2510Vorschaubild1951, 40 Pf. Posthorn with variety short slanting line in stamp colour above in the right stamp margin, in the vertical pair with normal stamp, reverse on package card from NEUFAHRN, small tooth deficiency otherwise superb, RR! Abridged certificate H. D. Schlegel, Michel (for single stamp 700.-)133II 240,00Bid
2511Vorschaubild1954, 50 Pf. Posthorn in the block of four reverse on package card with 3 time 50 Pf. Additional franking from INKOFEN, multiple franking, superb134    110,00Bid

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