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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE BAD GOTTLEUBAcat. no.Estimate € 
LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE EAST SAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
1956Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Black yellow green, unperforated and rouletted, both full centerpiece, 2 superb items, expertized Kunz, Michel 100.-43AaI,BI/I 25,00Bid
1957Vorschaubild43Ac 900,00Bid
1958Vorschaubild1945, 8 Pf. Bright gray violet with additional franking (among others 43 a VIII) on piece, superb, expertized Kunz44c 35,00Bid
1959Vorschaubild1945, Coswig, perforated L 10, very fine set on pieces, expertized Ströh, Michel 160.-42-50DI 55,00Bid
1960Vorschaubild1945, 15 Pf. Dark brown yellow "Coswig" in a horizontal pair (right stamp with variety 47 II) on registered cover with additional franking, superb47aDI    30,00Bid
1961Vorschaubild1945, 25 Pf. Coswig, perforated L 11, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel 140.-49DII   **50,00Bid
1962Vorschaubild1945, 20 Pf. Dark Prussian-blue "Coswig", perforated L 11 ½, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel 120.-48aDIII **30,00Bid
1963Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Red Grossröhrsdorf, vertical perforated, stamp as usual separation defects otherwise superb cover46E 40,00Bid
1964Vorschaubild1945, 10 Pf. "Klotzsche", superb, expertized Ströh, Michel 190.-45F 65,00Bid
1965Vorschaubild1945, Loschwitz in centrically cancelled blocks of four, very fine set, expertized Ströh, Michel (480.-)42-50G    180,00Bid
1966Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Dark rose red "Loschwitz", rest of hinge, superb, expertized Kunz, Michel (450.-)46bG *85,00Bid
1967Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Red Pirna, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel 120.-46aH 35,00Bid
1968Vorschaubild1946, 3 Pf. Black brown, 16 x in the block piece (as well 4 x type II) with additional franking on properly franked registered cover from DRESDEN A 29, slight traces of usage51aII 40,00Bid
1969Vorschaubild1945, 3 Pf. Black brown, triple impression, of it once colour black, mint never hinged, superb, abridged certificate Ströh, Michel 100.-51atxDDDI **30,00Bid
1970Vorschaubild1945, 3 Pf. Gray brown in the block of four from upper margin, mint never hinged, superb, expertized among others Kunz, Michel (340.-)51btx  **110,00Bid
1971Vorschaubild1945, 3 Pf. Double impression (black on black brown), rising paper pattern of stripes or streaks, economy gum, in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel - .51auyDDII   **880,00Bid
1972Vorschaubild1945, 3 Pf. "double impression" (black on black brown), rising paper pattern of stripes or streaks, economy gum, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Stroeh, Michel - .51auyDDII **240,00Bid
1973Vorschaubild1946, 10 Pf. Gray black on grey in the block of four with additional franking on properly franked registered local letter from Plauen, 2 values small ink blot otherwise superb cover, RR! Photo expertize Ströh52atxDDII    380,00Bid
1974Vorschaubild1945, 10 Pf. Grey, double impression, in the vertical pair with upper margin, mint never hinged, very fine (creasely), abridged certificate Ströh, Michel (300.-)52auxDD  **75,00Bid
1975Vorschaubild1946, 3 Pf. Bright orange brown, always as printed matters single franking on cover and card, superb56a 25,00Bid
1976Vorschaubild1945, 3 Pf. Brown in the lower margin block of six with 2 plate flaws (field 94 and 96), mint never hinged, superb, Michel (60.-)56X,XI **15,00Bid
1977Vorschaubild1945, 5 Pf. Dark green on local postcard, superb57a 30,00Bid
1978Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Gray violet, unperforated, in the corner margin block of four, small manufactured paper wrinkle, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel (200.-)58aU  **55,00Bid
1979Vorschaubild1945, 8 Pf. Dark yellow orange, unperforated, in a horizontal pair, mint never hinged, superb, expertized, Michel 100.-59aU  **30,00Bid
1980Vorschaubild1946, 12 Pf. Orange red in the block of four from upper margin, as well 2 x complete blank field, very fine, abridged certificate Dr. Jasch, Michel (500.-)60aL *85,00Bid
LotPhotoSOVIET ZONE COUNTRY SAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
1981Vorschaubild1945, 1 Pf. Blackish greenish blue, watermark 1 Y, rest of hinge, superb, expertized Zierer and photo expertize Dr. Jasch, Michel 1700.-66Y *530,00Bid
1982Vorschaubild1945, 6 Pf. Dark gray violet, watermark 1 X, lower margin copy, superb, expertized Ströh, Michel (120.-)69Xc 40,00Bid
1983Vorschaubild1945, 12 Pf. Dark rose red, watermark X, with inverted punching Pole on commercially used used letter from HALLE, dispatched from police chief to the child protective services in Leipzig, commercially used used covers with POL punching are extremely rare! Superb71XPOL 340,00Bid
1984Vorschaubild1945, 1 Pf. Blackish greenish blue, watermark 1 Y, fluorescing gum, 34 x in the part sheet, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 238.-73Yy **40,00Bid
1985Vorschaubild1945, 5 Pf. Olive green, watermark 1 Y, with 2 Pf. Allied occupation on 5 Pf. Postal stationery postcard, superb, expertized Schulz75Ya,P 9 15,00Bid

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