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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME


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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW JERSEYcat. no.Estimate € 
1866Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, 2 superb sets, each with photo expertize, Michel 80.-1/2y,3-8 25,00Bid
1867Vorschaubild1941, 1 P. Red, coated paper, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 80.-2z **20,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW KOTORcat. no.Estimate € 
1868Vorschaubild1944, postal stamps, Michel number 2 watermark inverted, very fine set, expertized Ludin, Michel 850.-1-6 290,00Bid
1869Vorschaubild1944, postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 240.-7-10 **70,00Bid
1870Vorschaubild1944, 0.25 M. On 4 D. Boka Kotorska, type I, with overprint flaw left diagonal line of the M from R. M. In the middle broken, mint never hinged, superb, abridged certificate Kleymann, Michel 300.-9IPF VI **100,00Bid
1871Vorschaubild1944, 1 L. On 30 C. Brown, unused, very fine (minimal blotched), Michel 150.-P 1 35,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW LJUBLJANAcat. no.Estimate € 
1872Vorschaubild1944, postal stamps, as well 50 L. With grainy gum (Michel number 19 b), very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 510.-1-20 **150,00Bid
1873Vorschaubild1944, Red Cross, mint never hinged, superb, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 300.-29/30 **100,00Bid
1874Vorschaubild1944, for the orphans, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 330.-33-38 **120,00Bid
1875Vorschaubild1944, 25 C. - 2 L. For the orphans, mint never hinged, 5 superb items, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 275.-33-37 **80,00Bid
1876Vorschaubild1945, views, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 450.-45-60 **140,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW LITHUANIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1877Vorschaubild1941, 5 K. Brownish red in the part sheet from 88 piece with wide left margin! Mint never hinged, superb1 **90,00Bid
1878Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 100.-1-6 **30,00Bid
1879Vorschaubild1941, 5 K. Dark brownish red in a horizontal pair with attaching left blank field, mint never hinged, superb, R! Michel - .1L **220,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW LITHUANIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1880Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 230.-1-9 **70,00Bid
1881Vorschaubild1941, Vilnius, very fine set, photo expertize Krischke, Michel 1200.-10-18 400,00Bid
1882Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, type III on pieces, very fine set, expertized among others Krischke, Michel (220.-)1-7III 75,00Bid
1883Vorschaubild1941, 1 R. Red army, type I with overprint top down (field 34), mint never hinged, superb, RR! Photo expertize Krischke10IK **500,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW LITHUANIA UKMERGEcat. no.Estimate € 
1884Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, as well the 15 K. With variety comma in lieu of dot (100% additional charge), very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Krischke, Michel (1500.-)1-5 **500,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW LORRAINEcat. no.Estimate € 
1885Vorschaubild5 covers with different provisionally postmarks, mostly superb condition 40,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW MACEDONIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1886Vorschaubild1944, 1 on 10 St. Orange red and 3 on 15 St. Cobalt in horizontal four respectively strip of five with gutters, mint never hinged, superb, R! Photo expertize Krischke, Michel 950.-1/2Z **230,00Bid
1887Vorschaubild1944, 1 on 10 St. Orange red in a horizontal pair with gutter, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 300.-1ZW **75,00Bid
1888Vorschaubild1944, 3 on 15 St. Light blue in a horizontal pair with gutter, mint never hinged, superb, R! Michel 600.-2ZW **150,00Bid
1889Vorschaubild1944, 20 on 7 L. Blackish blue with overprint flaw open o in Makedonia (field 68), superb piece of letter, expertized Brunel and photo expertize Krischke, RR!7 IX 300,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW MONTENEGROcat. no.Estimate € 
1890Vorschaubild1943, postal stamps, no. 9 in type IV, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 680.-1-9 **200,00Bid
1891Vorschaubild1943, 25 C. - 2 L. National administration commission, 4 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 400.-10-13 **80,00Bid
1892Vorschaubild1943, 5 L. National administration commission with composition error scuus, rest of hinge, superb, photo expertize Krischke, Michel 1200.-, R!14I *380,00Bid
1893Vorschaubild1944, Refugee Aid, no. 21 small spot otherwise very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 660.-20-28 **180,00Bid
1894Vorschaubild1944, Red Cross, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Kleymann, Michel (400.-)29-35 **140,00Bid
1895Vorschaubild1944, Red Cross, Michel number 31 / 2 without gum otherwise very fine set mint never hinged29-35 **,(*)70,00Bid

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