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catalog for the 500. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, December 9th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

1931Vorschaubild1938, "Böhmisch Kamnitz", so-called menories printing: 100 H. Brown red with cancel of liberation on special card, in addition to it cover with 50 H. Ultramarine, very fine 80,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW ALBANIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1932Vorschaubild1943, postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Brunel, Michel 500.-1-14 **150,00Bid
1933Vorschaubild1943, postal stamps, 3 Fr. Small trace of crease otherwise very fine set, Michel 500.-1-14 110,00Bid
1934Vorschaubild1944, "airman injured", 3 Fr. A little blotched otherwise very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 110.-15-21 **25,00Bid
1935Vorschaubild1941, donation stamps, unperforated, the Michel number IV point at the indication of value in small characters on! Mint never hinged, superb, RR! Photo expertize Brunel, Michel 2225.-I-IIIU,IVUII **600,00Bid
1936VorschaubildXV-XIX B **600,00Bid
LotPhotoBOHEMIA & MORAVIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1937Vorschaubild1939, "head pictures and landscapes", very fine set mint never hinged, expertized Gilbert, Michel 130.-1-19 **40,00Bid
1938Vorschaubild1939, "head pictures and landscapes" on postage exceeding tariff rate genuine used special delivery registered cover to Berlin, superb, Michel 450.-1-19 150,00Bid
1939Vorschaubild1939, 4 Kc. "castle Podiebrad" with vertical blank field and 5 Kc. "Ölmütz" with horizontal, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Gilbert, Michel 100.-17LS,18LW **35,00Bid
1940Vorschaubild1939 / 40, 10 various unused postal stationery postcards, superba. K 2-P 12 30,00Bid
1941Vorschaubild1943, "admission stamp", very fine (creasely and mould stains) abridged certificate Brunel, Michel 250.-Z 1 *45,00Bid
1942Vorschaubild1939 / 44, interesting cover lot of more than 30 documents, as well first day covers, offical postal service, V cancel, registered mail, first day postmark and so on, additional 11 letter pieces, almost only superb condition 50,00Bid
1943VorschaubildApproximate. 1939-43, 37 various old picture postcards Bohemia and Moravia, almost all used, much Prague, superb 35,00Bid
1944VorschaubildTheresienstadt: 1944, 7 parcel acknowledgment cards with Protectorate franking, superb 150,00Bid
1945Vorschaubild1939, 30 H. Dark red purple with additional franking on properly franked letter, superb, photo expertize Brunel50,00Bid
1946Vorschaubild1939, "newspaper stamps", all Randstücke, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Brunel, Michel (480.-)32-40 **180,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. OCC. II. WW ESTONIAcat. no.Estimate € 
1947Vorschaubild1941, territory postal service, both papers, mint never hinged, 2 superb sets, Michel 115.-1-3x,y **35,00Bid
1948Vorschaubild1941, territory postal service, both papers, 2 superb sets, Michel 115.-1-3x,y   35,00Bid
1949Vorschaubild1941, "territory postal service", gewöhnliches paper, in block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 220.-1-3y   **60,00Bid
1950Vorschaubild1941, "reconstruction", unperforated, 1st issue in blocks of four from the margin, very fine MNH, no. 6 expertized Löbbering, Michel 640.-4-9Ua   **180,00Bid
1951Vorschaubild1941, "reconstruction" in gutter pairs, all 1st issue! Very fine set mint never hinged, RR! Photo expertize Prof. Dr. Klein, Michel 5000.-4-9Zwa **1.200,00Bid
1952Vorschaubild1941, 20 K. Stone bridge Dorpat, unperforated double impression, without underprinting (burelage), without gum, superb, expertized Krischke5UDD (*)no limitBid
1953Vorschaubild1941, 20 K. "stone bridge Dorpat", three sided unperforated in a horizontal pair, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Löbbering5Udr **40,00Bid
1954Vorschaubild1941, 50 K. "view from Tallinn", vertical strip of three with above and at the bottom horizontal unperforated, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Löbbering7UMw, Uo **50,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW ESTONIA PERNAUcat. no.Estimate € 
1955Vorschaubild1941, postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged (11 values), Michel 180.-1-10IIA/B **55,00Bid
1956Vorschaubild1941, 20 K. Schwarzgelbgrün with overprint "Pernau / Pernau", geprüft Krischke and abridged certificate Löbbering, Michel 100.-8IV **35,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. II. WW FRANCE DUNKIRKcat. no.Estimate € 
1957Vorschaubild1940, 50 C. Red, horizontal pair with overprint type I, original stamp type I on cover to "MALO LES BAINS", superb, geprüft Tust2I,I 180,00Bid
1958Vorschaubild1940, 40 C. "Postal Museum", rest of hinge, superb, R! Certificate Herbst, Michel 1800.-30 *550,00Bid
1959Vorschaubild1940, 90 C. Balzac, rest of hinge, superb, R! Certificate Herbst, Michel 1800.-38 *550,00Bid
1960Vorschaubild1940, 90 C. "Geburtenrückgang", rest of hinge, superb, certificate Herbst, Michel 1800.-39 *550,00Bid

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