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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME


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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoKLAIPEDAcat. no.Estimate € 
1788Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. Blue with plate flaw crown left damaged as well small horizontal line in the E from second United, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 100.-12aII *30,00Bid
1789Vorschaubild1920, 2.50 M. Red carmine, superb, expertized Huylmans, Michel 80.-13a 25,00Bid
1790Vorschaubild1920, 3 with on 5 Fr. Dark blue / pale brown-ochre, superb piece of letter, expertized Huylmans, Michel (90.-)30 25,00Bid
1791Vorschaubild1920, 4 with on 2 Fr. Reddish orange / light greenish blue, type I, with overprint flaw horizontal bar the 4 thickened, rest of hinges, superb, Michel 70.-31IyPF Ia *25,00Bid
1792Vorschaubild1920, 20 with on 5 Fr. Blackish blue / pale brown-ochre, superb, abridged certificate Haslau, Michel 200.-33 60,00Bid
1793Vorschaubild1921, 4 with on 2 Fr. Reddish orange / gray turquoise with overprint flaw 4 thickened, rest of hinges, normal perforation, superb, Michel 100.-46Ia *30,00Bid
1794Vorschaubild1922, 20 Pf. On 20 C. Gray brown and 20 Pf. On 25 C. Blue, 2 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 90.-56/7 **30,00Bid
1795Vorschaubild1922, airmail in horizontal pairs from the corner of the sheet, as well 2 pairs with date of printing, very fine set mint never hinged98-107   **110,00Bid
1796Vorschaubild1922, country printing office Paris, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 70.-110-18 **25,00Bid
1797Vorschaubild1922 / 3, postal stamps, mint never hinged, 2 superb sets, Michel 64.-119-23 **20,00Bid
1798Vorschaubild1923, country printing office Kowno in blocks of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (480.-)124-28   **150,00Bid
1799Vorschaubild1923, country printing office Kowno in block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 880.-135-40   **260,00Bid
1800Vorschaubild1923, 50 M. On 25 C. Dark vermilion in the block of four from the upper margin, a value small gum defect otherwise mint never hinged, superb, Michel 176.-138   **45,00Bid
1801Vorschaubild1923, crests rider in blocks of four from the margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 920.-141-50   **280,00Bid
1802Vorschaubild1923, 300 M. Olive in the lower right corner margin block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (360.-)147   **110,00Bid
1803Vorschaubild1923, 300 M. Olive and 500 M. Gray lilac, mint never hinged, 2 superb items, Michel 180.-147,149 **50,00Bid
1804Vorschaubild1923, 500 M. Gray lilac, superb piece of letter, abridged certificate Haslau, (180.-)149 60,00Bid
1805Vorschaubild1923, 50 C. On 500 M. Gray lilac, type BI, superb, expertized Haslau173BI 20,00Bid
1806Vorschaubild1923, 50 C. On 500 M. Gray lilac with plate flaw missing printing ink in the left bar, superb, R! Abridged certificate Haslau, Michel - .173 PFVIII 100,00Bid
1807Vorschaubild1923, 3 C. On 40 M. Bright gray violet in the block of ten from of the right lower corner of the sheet, various overprint types, mint never hinged, superb178 **150,00Bid
1808Vorschaubild1923, 3 C. On 40 M. Bright gray violet, type II and I together in a horizontal pair, mint never hinged, superb178W1 **30,00Bid
1809Vorschaubild1923, 5 C. On 100 M. Dark rose, type IV, in the right lower corner margin block of four, mint never hinged, superb, R!180IV   **280,00Bid
1810Vorschaubild1923, 5 C. On 100 M. Dark rose, type IV, lower margin copy, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 195.-180IV **60,00Bid
1811Vorschaubild1923, 1 L. On 1000 M. Greenish-blue, type I, superb, abridged certificate Haslau, Michel 100.-182 30,00Bid
1812Vorschaubild1923, 50 C. On 1000 M. Greenish-blue in the block of six, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (180.-)191 **50,00Bid
1813Vorschaubild1923, 15 C. On 100 M. Dark rose close distance, very fine (thin), expertized Huylmans211Ie no limitBid
1814Vorschaubild1923, 15 C. On 1000 M. Greenish-blue, type I, superb, R! Photo expertize Haslau, Michel (600.-)213 200,00Bid
1815Vorschaubild1923, 30 C. On 10 M. Pale brown, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 250.-222 **75,00Bid
1816Vorschaubild1923, 10 C. On 25 M. On 5 C. Greenish-blue, type I, one short perf otherwise superb, abridged certificate Haslau, Michel 150.-230 35,00Bid
1817Vorschaubild1923, 60 C. On 50 M. On 25 C. Dark vermilion, type I, superb, photo expertize Haslau, Michel (400.-)233I 140,00Bid

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