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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME


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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoGERMAN EAST AFRICA POSTMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
1496Vorschaubild1899, 2 M. Dark red crimson, cancel OTJIMBINGUE, parcel card, as kept by the post office, superbVS 37e 35,00Bid
1497Vorschaubild1899, 2 M. Dark red crimson, cancel SWAKOPMUND, parcel card, as kept by the post office, superbVS 37e 20,00Bid
1498Vorschaubild1897, 20 Pf. Violet ultramarine in the vertical pair with postmark OKAHANDJA to Brunswick, superbVS 48d    120,00Bid
1499Vorschaubild1898, 50 Pf. Bright red brown, cancel WINDHOEK on parcel card, as kept by the post office, superb, expertized R. SteuerVS 50d 25,00Bid
1500Vorschaubild1899, 10 Pf. Bright-purple-red, cancellation used in different places JAKALSWATER, superb piece of letter, expertized Jäschke L.M 47d 100,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN SOUTHWEST AFRICAcat. no.Estimate € 
1501Vorschaubild1899, 20 Pf. Violet ultramarine, 5 time on linen letter registered cover from SWAKOPMUND to Berlin, superb100,00Bid
1502Vorschaubild1899, 25 Pf. Yellowish orange, corner stamp, superb, Michel 500.-9a 130,00Bid
1503Vorschaubild1906, 3 Pf. Dark ochre brown, single franking on wrapper to Oderheim, 1 x folded, very fine11 25,00Bid
1504Vorschaubild1901, 30 Pf., unwatermarked, with plate flaw lines before 3 in of the left 30, violet cancellation used in different places OTJIWARONGO, superb piece of letter, R! Expertized Jäschke L.16I 150,00Bid
1505Vorschaubild1906, 5 M. Green black / dark carmine, watermarked, yellowish red luminous, normal perforation, superb, expertized Bothe, Michel 370.-32Aa 100,00Bid
1506VorschaubildSmall interesting lot of approximate 80 values, among others a picture postcard to Finland, inspect  ,*,  80,00Bid
1507VorschaubildAbbabis, 10.12.04, violet handprinted on cancellation used in different places IV on superb cover with 40 Pf. To Karibib17 100,00Bid
1508VorschaubildGOBABIS, 23.5.12 (weak) on cover with 10 Pf. Carmine red from RIETFONTEIN post GOBABIS to Barmen, very fine26 20,00Bid
1509VorschaubildGROOTFONTEIN, 18.9.00, on 10 Pf. Bright-purple-red, single franking to Windhök, very fine, R!7a 30,00Bid
1510VorschaubildJakalswater in black, 23.11.1899, cancellation used in different places I on picture postcard from HASIS with 5 Pf. To Berlin, superb, R! Expertized Starauschek120,00Bid
1511VorschaubildKALKFELD, 11.3.14, on picture postcard with 5 Pf. To Germany, superb25 100,00Bid
1512VorschaubildKALKFONTEIN (south), 11.6.13, on vertical strip of three 10 Pf., superb26 20,00Bid
1513VorschaubildKARIBIB, 10.2.00, on picture postcard (guesthouse Rösemann) to Dresden, with 3 Pf., superb24 40,00Bid
1514VorschaubildKUBAS, 4.2.01, centered on 3 Pf. In the block of four from of the upper right corner of the sheet, superb5b    40,00Bid
1515VorschaubildLÃœDERITZBUCHT *a, 8.11.11, on cover with 4 time 10 Pf. As multiple franking to Austria, on the back seal stamp Catholic mission St. Petrus and Paulus, very fine (traces of usage), R!13 30,00Bid
1516VorschaubildMARIENTHAL, 16.6.02, 2 time 3 Pf. As additional franking on German Reich 2 / 2 Pf. Postal stationery postcard (P 41) over GIBEON to Dömitz, reverse unlabeled, superb11 60,00Bid
1517VorschaubildOKAHANDJA, 2.3.15, rain measuring table from OTIJOSAZU, with on the back eagle stamp of the district office, to Windhök, superb 75,00Bid
1518VorschaubildOKAHANDJA, 17.6.04, patriotically fieldpost letter of the II. Company to Heidelberg, superb 70,00Bid
1519VorschaubildOKASISE, 28.3.08, on piece with 3 time 10 Pf., a little blotched otherwise superb piece of letter26 20,00Bid
1520VorschaubildOMARURU, 8.7.00, on picture postcard with twice 3 Pf. To Berlin, superb, R! Expertized among others Bothe5b 40,00Bid
1521VorschaubildOMARURU, 29.6.01, on cover with mixed franking 5 Pf. Opal green and green to Opole, superb6,12 50,00Bid
1522VorschaubildOTJIHAWERA, 17.7.08, on cover to Berlin, with 25 and 5 Pf., superb15,25 75,00Bid
1523VorschaubildOTJIMBINGUE, 29.8.1899, on cover with 10 Pf. Single franking to Barmen, superb40,00Bid
1524VorschaubildRAMANSDRIFT, 21.6. (1906), without year date! On fieldpost card to Döbeln, superb 60,00Bid
1525VorschaubildRAMANSDRIFT, 26.4.00, on cover with 10 Pf. Single franking to Windhök, superb, R! Signed7a 30,00Bid

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