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catalog for the 500. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, December 9th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS DENMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
5315VorschaubildAALBORG (Aalborg), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x27)90,00Bid
5316VorschaubildShads, on the beach, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(17x24)no limitBid
5317VorschaubildAUGUSTENBURG (Augustenborg slot), view over the Augustenburg fiord to the castle, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to A. Juuel by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(20x29)50,00Bid
5318VorschaubildBOVBJERG (Bovbjerg ved Vesterhavet), view of the moved lake on the city with church, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to C. F. Sörensen by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(19x27)50,00Bid
5319VorschaubildChaff (Dybbölbjerg), view on Sonderburg, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Th. Brendstrup by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, minimal foxed(19x27)50,00Bid
5320VorschaubildFAKSE (Kalkbrud ved Faxö), the Chalk breach by Fakse, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to A. Juuel by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(19x28)100,00Bid
5321VorschaubildFREDERIKSVAERK, general view, shaded lithography from Hellesen / Baerentzen 1856(19x27)35,00Bid
5322VorschaubildFREDERIKSBORG: peace = Banquet to Friderichsburg from 3. - 5. March 1658, decorative view from banquet with exact description the present persons, copper engraving by Pufendorf from "seven books of the deeds of Carl Gustav, the king of Sweden" 1697(28x38)55,00Bid
5323VorschaubildGREISDALEN (Greisdalen), general view from a forest road out in the bay, lithography with clay plate from J. Hellesen to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(19x27)45,00Bid
5324VorschaubildHELLEBAEK (Odinshoei ved Helleb‘k), Odinshoei, view on the agricultural good, in the distance castle Kronenburg, lithography with clay plate from E. Vesterberg to Fr. Rohde by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)35,00Bid
5325VorschaubildHELSINGØR (Helsingør), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x28)50,00Bid
5326VorschaubildHILLEROD (Frederiksborg slot), castle Frederiksborg with rider staffage, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Heinrich Hansen by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)60,00Bid
5327VorschaubildHINDSGAVL (Parti ved Hindsgavl i. Fyen), view with Faen Øsund, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(19x26)35,00Bid
5328VorschaubildKOLDING / Jutland, general view, coloured wood engraving about 1880(17x24)no limitBid
5329VorschaubildCopenhagen (emily Kilde paa Strandveien ved Kjöbenhavn), emily Kilde, lithography with clay plate from Hellesen to J. P. Müller by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x26)35,00Bid
5330VorschaubildCopenhagen, general view, copper engraving by Riegel about 1690(6x11)65,00Bid
5331VorschaubildApproximate Copenhagen, decorative view from "lower spelling of the peace between the swedish camp and Copenhagen" at the 27. May 1660, copper engraving by Pufendorf from "seven books of the deeds of Carl Gustav, the king of Sweden" 1697(28x38)40,00Bid
5332VorschaubildCopenhagen (Parti af J‘gersborg Dyrehave), the zoo Jaegersborg, lithography with clay plate from Hellesen to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x27)35,00Bid
5333VorschaubildKRONENBORG, general view from the bird´s-eye view with sailing ship staffage, copper engraving by Bertius about 1616(14x19)65,00Bid
5334VorschaubildMARIEBO (Parti ved Mariebo), view across the lake on Mariebo, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Th. Brendstrup by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)50,00Bid
5335VorschaubildNIBE (Parti ved Liimfjorden ved Nibe), Limfjord, view with fishermens houses and to boot, coloured lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)90,00Bid
5336VorschaubildNYBORG (Nyborg), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Wilhelm Petersen by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x27)40,00Bid
5337VorschaubildNYKÖBING (Nykjöbing paa Falster), general view from water seen with sailing ships in the foreground, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Th. Brendstrup by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(20x28)40,00Bid
5338VorschaubildRIPEN, city map with the royally castle, copper engraving by Zeiller 1655(11x13)100,00Bid
5339VorschaubildRÖDDING (Rödding Höiskole), view on University and church, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. Richardt by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)55,00Bid
5340VorschaubildSILKEBORG (Ved Silkeborg Soe), Silkeborger lake with ice skaters, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to F. C. Kierschou by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x26)50,00Bid
5341VorschaubildSKANDERBORG (Skanderborg), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to A. Juuel by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x27)35,00Bid
5342VorschaubildSORØ: lot with lake, shaded lithography from Hellesen / Baerentzen 1856(20x28)25,00Bid
5343VorschaubildTRANEKJAER (Tranekj‘r paa Langeland), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay to Wilhelm Petersen by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(20x28)60,00Bid
5344VorschaubildVEJLE (Veile), general view from a forest road out with two ox carts in the foreground, lithography from Hellesen / Baerentzen, 1856(24x24)60,00Bid

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