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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD MAPS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
4961VorschaubildGermany, more southeastern part, coloured steel engraving from Meyers hand atlas, 1875(38x29)no limitBid
4962VorschaubildAtlas Minimus Illustratus by J. Gibson / E. Bowen: 4 small general maps from Germany, 1774, copper engravings100,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS LOWER SAXONYcat. no.Estimate € 
4963VorschaubildLauenförde, the area from Warburg to Lauenförde, copper engraving by Papen, 1862(32x39)50,00Bid
4964VorschaubildThe Upper Rhine circle, map without description, coloured copper engraving by Güssefeld, Weimar 1803(18x22)20,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS BAVARIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4965VorschaubildGeneral map, the south eastern part, boundaries contemporary coloured steel engraving from Meyers hand atlas, 1875(29x35)no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS - EUROPEcat. no.Estimate € 
4966VorschaubildPostal route map from Great Britain and Ireland, Carte of the Grandes Routes(46x56)100,00Bid
4967VorschaubildGreat Britain and Ireland, Les Royaumes D`Angleterre D`Ecosse et D`Irlande, boundaries contemporary coloured copper engraving from Delamarché Petit atlas about 1785(18x25)40,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS DENMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
4968VorschaubildAhlborger Fjordt, exact view of the same with illustration of a new city and Citadelle so the Danes ohnfern neck in Wensusel to construct willing been, coloured copper engraving by Pufendorf from `Sieben books of these deeds Carl Gustavs king in Schweden` 1697(31x25)25,00Bid
4969VorschaubildKorsör on Zealand, very decorative view with floor plan of the city and new Citadelle (to the protection of the Harbor) as well surrounding area - in the foreground sail ships and small Battle scenery, in the year of 1659, coloured copper engraving by Pufendorf from seven books of these deeds Carl Gustavs king in Sweden 1697(31x25)90,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS FRANCEcat. no.Estimate € 
4970VorschaubildDepartement Aube with general view from Nogent on d. His and decorative people staffage, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(18x23)no limitBid
4971VorschaubildDepartement Cher with general view the capital Bourges and decorative accessories, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(23x18)no limitBid
4972VorschaubildDepartement Your-et-Loir with partial view from castle St. Jean and decorative accessories, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(23x18)no limitBid
4973VorschaubildDepartement Plumb-et-Garonne with partial view from Miramont and decorative people staffage, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(18x23)no limitBid
4974VorschaubildDepartement Orne with partial view from lake and decorative people staffage, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(18x23)no limitBid
4975VorschaubildDepartement Camouflage-et-Garonne with general view the capital Montauban and decorative people staffage, coloured steel engraving from M. Vuillemin, Paris 1870(18x23)no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS AUSTRIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4976VorschaubildThe northern part from Austria, lot Septentrionale you Cercle(46x59)90,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS RUSSIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4977VorschaubildThe western part from Russia, lot Occidentale de L`Empire de(46x57)90,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD MAPS ASIAcat. no.Estimate € 
4978VorschaubildLev CHEW: Gross lev Chew and his Dependenzen (Great lev Chew and it it dependencies), card the islands, lithography from Narrative of the expedition of at American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan by francis L. Hawks (1856)(17x19)no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
4979VorschaubildAHRENBERG, partial view, steel engraving from Winkles about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
4980VorschaubildALBECK, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(11x17)65,00Bid
4981VorschaubildALTENA at the LENNE LENNE, general view, steel engraving from Schlickum / Winkles around 1880(10x15)60,00Bid
4982VorschaubildAMÖNEBURG, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(10x16)55,00Bid
4983VorschaubildARNSDORF / Lower Bavaria: the snow chapel and the Calvary, coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1859(9x11)no limitBid
4984VorschaubildBAD ADELHOLZEN / OBERB, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)65,00Bid
4985VorschaubildBAD ADELHOLZEN / OBERB, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)65,00Bid
4986VorschaubildBADEN, partial view, steel engraving from Beautiful field / from H. Valais, 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
4987VorschaubildBy BADEN-BADEN: ruin Eberstein, steel engraving from Beautiful field / Poppel, 1840(10x15)no limitBid
4988VorschaubildBAD GLEISWEILER: the water and milked-sanitarium, steel engraving from Romantic Rhine palatinate about 1840(8x13)no limitBid
4989VorschaubildBAD KISSINGEN: the Cure hall, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
4990VorschaubildBAHRDORF, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x35)25,00Bid

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