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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS GERMANY AND SO ON.cat. no.Estimate € 
3807VorschaubildBADEN Wuerttemberg, 22 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3808VorschaubildBavaria, BERCHTESGADEN, 11 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3809VorschaubildBohemia, 11 various picture postcards 20,00Bid
3810VorschaubildEIDERSTEDT, 29 various unused black / white picture postcards from the 50s no limitBid
3811VorschaubildHamburg, 44 various picture postcards 80,00Bid
3812Vorschaubild 40,00Bid
3813VorschaubildHARZ, WESTHARZ, 16 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3814VorschaubildKIEL, approximate 1897-1940, collection from 80 different picture postcards, as well 10 coloured lithographies, interesting topics, and so on, in a ring binder 150,00Bid
3815VorschaubildKIEL, collection from 200 different picture postcards in 2 letter albums, with rarely lithographies, many coloured cards and rarely subjects 400,00Bid
3816VorschaubildKIEL, collection from 200 different picture postcards in 2 letter albums, with rarely lithographies, many coloured cards and rarely subjects 390,00Bid
3817VorschaubildKIEL, 60 various picture postcards, as well scarce topics and coloured cards 130,00Bid
3818VorschaubildKIEL, 37 various picture postcards 90,00Bid
3819VorschaubildLINDAU i. Lake Constance, 34 various picture postcards 50,00Bid
3820VorschaubildTime duck GREMSMÃœHLEN, 7 various picture postcards 20,00Bid
3821Vorschaubild1922, greeting from Munich October festival, artist picture card no. 101, from Ottmar Zieher 30,00Bid
3822Vorschaubild1928, exhibition home and technique Munich 1928 officially postcard, reverse exhibition vignette, from Munich to Amsterdam, at the bottom slight tear 20,00Bid
3823VorschaubildMunich, 16 various picture postcards 50,00Bid
3824VorschaubildNorthrhine-Westphalia, 39 various picture postcards 70,00Bid
3825VorschaubildPELLWORM, 10 various picture postcards 20,00Bid
3826VorschaubildRhineland-Palatinate, 19 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3827VorschaubildST. Peter ORDING, 65 almost only various picture postcards from the years 1950-60 25,00Bid
3828VorschaubildSCHLESWIG, greatings from, coloured lithography card from 1897 no limitBid
3829VorschaubildST. Peter ORDING, 32 various picture postcards 50,00Bid
3830VorschaubildSYLT - Wenningstedt, 9 various picture postcards no limitBid
3831VorschaubildSYLT - Kampen, collection from 57 different picture postcards in the letter album 270,00Bid
3832VorschaubildSYLT - Keitum, collection from 49 different picture postcards in the letter album 240,00Bid
3833VorschaubildSYLT - Rantum, collection from 23 different picture postcards in the letter album 180,00Bid
3834VorschaubildSYLT - Westerland, collection from 100 different picture postcards in the letter album, as well greatings from cards, many coloured, scarce topics and so on 390,00Bid
3835VorschaubildSYLT, 51 various picture postcards from the years 1950-60 40,00Bid
3836VorschaubildSYLT, approximate 80 various, mostly coloured picture postcards from approximate 1955-90 60,00Bid

30 back - 30 forward - 20 30 50 70 100

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